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Inside The Case Against Josh Duggar By DoctorOz
Reality TV, family in freefall, former 19 Kids and Counting Star. Josh Duggar is just weeks away from trial for child, pornography charges. Now, the tight-knit Duggar Clan is said to be splintered by these horrifying accusations. Today, a former member of a religious organization linked to the Duggars is here, revealing, why she claims the group is a cult, and may have been able Josh’s alleged crimes. But first, I’ll show investigative. Correspondent, Mars Gaba. Campo has the very latest.
Shocking new allegations against disgraced. Reality TV star Josh Duggar just days after his wife, Anna announced their seventh pregnancy. The 33 year old was arrested in Arkansas, prosecutors claimed, they discovered more than 200 pornographic images of children on his computers. Some allegedly depicting toddlers as young as 18 months old being sexually. Abused Josh is the oldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.
Whose enormous brood was featured on one of TLC’s top-rated shows 19, Kids and Counting and at the height of their popularity with the entire family. Even appeared on this show in one word. What is the best part about living in a big family? It’s a very very special clothes MIT, but just two years later, in 2015, the families first shocking controversy, a disturbing police report surfaced from nearly a
A decade earlier it claimed that Josh then a teen had molested five underage girls including four of his sisters. He apologized in a Facebook post but no charges were ever filed against him and the statute of limitations had expired. That same year. The staunch Family Values Advocate was outed as a customer of the notorious cheating website, Ashley Madison, and publicly apologized could being unfaithful to his wife. Josh is out on bail, but must wear an ankle.
Monitor and live with third-party custodians.
He has pleaded not guilty to two counts of possessing and receiving pornography and faces up to 40 years in prison, if convicted.
Mozgov, Ocampo and I show legal contributor, Joy Jackson joins us now with the inside details on this disturbing case. Furthermore. What a federal investigators saying is going on. What are the accusations against Josh Duggar? Yeah, one agent, who examined the files on Duggars computer said that he’s been doing this kind of work for 11 years and he says, he’s viewed. Thousands of images of child pornography. And he says that what he saw on Josh Duggar’s computer, whose quote, the worst of the worst. He says that he saw hundreds of sexually explicit images including
Some with children as young as 18 months old, just babies. So prosecutors, say, this photo taken of Josh’s hands match images found that his seized computer, but his lawyers unsuccessfully attempted to have the picture stricken from evidence saying, it was illegally obtained. Joy, without the right decision or not. Yeah, you know what, to the point about whether it was a legally Sound Decision. It was why, because in the event that a defendant consents that is the police want to take a photo you say short. Take it, that’s consent. It’s admissible.
All the other issue is that you don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy. If your hands are out there and someone’s photographing them. And so on that basis, hard loss for the defense, but a proper decision by the judge. Now, the authorities say, they found the child pornography on Duggars work computer. So his attorneys have raised the possibility that someone else access the illegal images possible Right by could. But the prosecutors are claiming that the same password that Josh used for his bank account as utilities and his family. Instagram was used to access
The child pornography on this work computer. So Joy, if that’s proven to be true. How damning is this? Oh, it’s extraordinarily damning because his always the argument. It’s not enough to establish that they went. For example to you work your home and got a computer and there were things on the computer that will unlawful. You have to make the connection right between the computer. And the person who allegedly is using that computer, you go to someone’s work. And in the event that you get at the police, right? You’ll say, well, it could have been a co-worker, could have been many co-workers have been someone else who acts as it could have been a client. When you
And you mentioned it matching passwords with respect to Instagram with regard to utilities with regard to what you use. Now, it makes it you and so that’s damning when jurors hear that, if it gets that far. All right. So these current charges against Josh are bringing renewed attention to the shocking allegations that came out against him in 2015, when news broke that. Josh had been investigated for allegedly sexually, abusing for office sisters and a family friend back when he was in his mid-teens. I mean this is that the story he’s built.
Here, what will what these results of that investigation bring everything up to date. Yeah. So in 2015 media Outlets obtained, a copy of a police report from 2006. Now that included statements from Jim Duggar, the patriarch and he said that he first learned of these allegations in 2002 and that included allegations that Josh had molested for of his sisters while they were sleeping. So jimbob did not contact the authorities. He contacted Church Elders first then he sent Josh away for a few months and then he
had a State Trooper intervene and tried to give him a talking-to. Incidentally, that state trooper was also then sentenced to 56 years for child. Pornography. Oh my goodness. So when these allegations became public to of Josh’s sisters, came forward, confirmed that they were accurate. And Josh posted an apology on Facebook saying that he quote acted and excusably. So who’s acknowledging at least some of what was accused like in this. So later in 2015, Josh also admitted to cheating on his wife Anna and said he had an addiction to internet.
Pornography, this is that Ashley Madison revealing data, dump. All these people were using this site to having illicit relationships. So Joe, he was never criminally charged for this, but could these allegations from earlier years, be brought up in the current trial without question, right? So, the extent to which you can use the amount of things you can use is always depended upon a judge, right? Judges, make rulings with regard to what is relevant with regard is what is too overly, prejudicial a legal term to say, hey to
Damning, but what they call them are prior bad acts and prior bad acts. Although not charge can be used by prosecutors to evidence a pattern of similar Behavior. Not to these new child pornography charges came out against Josh. The New York Post published an article in which several people claimed. The Duggar family is part of a cult. The Duggars have been linked to two organizations created by a main man named Bill. Gothard. It’s called the one of them’s called The Institute in basic life principles and others called the Advanced Training.
Shoot more Educators, whose Bill Gothard. What are these organizations? Yeah. So the ivlp is a fundamentalist sect of Christianity. The Gotthard founded that the Duggars are believed to be part of their children. The Duggar children were home schooled using the, the organizations faith-based curriculum. That’s the Advanced Training Institute. So, what we know is that there’s a possible connection here between the two. Now, former members of this organization say that it is a cult that it enables sexual abuse, some of them.
Em and that they had to go through things victims of sexual, abuse, allegedly had to explain how they tempted. Their abuser that they were held responsible for the abuse and that they were discouraged from contacting authorities. Now, what’s interesting is that Gotthard ran the facility that Josh was sent to for treatment and in 2014 Gotthard himself had to step down because of sexual abuse allegations though. He denies them. Thank you both for being here coming up. A former member of that exact organization is
Exposing what she says, went on behind closed doors. What it could reveal about Josh Duggar? The shocking child pornography charges against former reality star. Josh Duggar have led to increased scrutiny of the 19 Kids and Counting family. For years Duggars were involved with a religious home schooling program called the Advanced Training Institute or ATI for short, Heather. He is a former member who says her parents began teaching her with the ATI curriculum when she was 9 years of age, but she now
Now calls the group. A cult. She’s also the author of the upcoming book lovingly abuse and she joins us now. Heather. I know this is tough to discuss. I appreciate you coming forward to help a lot of people, understand what’s going down. How was the Duggar family viewed within a TI?
Um, with an ATI, they were ATI famous. They were what you would strive to be. I mean, when
When I first saw them speak and teach the training sessions, I think that was back on the only had 11 kids. But I remember Michelle was on the mothers panels. I mean, you know, my mother talking about it. She was on the panel or a bunch of mothers and sit in a row and basically train you how to run a family at home school and what your family likes should look like. So she was, she was what you would strive to be. So in 2015, the world was shocked to learn of the incest allegations.
Is Josh Duggar, my you spend a semester at an ATI Training Center when you were 17 was incest or sexual abuse ever discussed during that program.
It was so the girls and the boys were separate and every morning, we would have what’s called a wisdom search, where you would study the Bible and then share your ramas and insights. What passage you read and during one of them, they had us all kind of sitting around in a circle and they wanted us to confess if we had been sexually abused or anything like that. They wanted us to confess what we did that brought that on to us.
Like if we were wearing something that was too tight or if we had, you know, pajamas that we outgrew or if we walk from the bathroom to her room, after taking a shower and forgot to bring clothes in your we’re just in a towel that was a Temptation, possibly four brothers and they wanted everybody to say what they did and how they had a part in it. And I don’t have a brother, but I mentioned that that that was not their fault.
Anything that had happened to them was not their fault and they basically told me that I just didn’t understand because I don’t have a brother. And then they sent me to my room for a heart check, which is basically a grown-up time out and locked me in my room to read my Bible. Until I came to the realization that they were correct. And that I would stop trying to promote these worldly ideas that women
Didn’t bring sexual assault on themselves that it wasn’t their fault. You’ve compared it to the handmaid’s tale, which as you describe it did.
I did it. I watched a couple episodes of that and I had to stop because there’s a scene where they’re sitting around in a circle and they had to confess why they had been raped or abused and that was way too much. Just like being at the training center. That was pretty much what we had to do. And I was at the most lenient of the training centers, which is the
The opinion of most ATI kids that I was at the most lenient one. We now know that Josh Duggar was investigated for allegedly, abusing, for of his sisters. And another girl, all is, well, when he was in his mid-teens. Now, as an adult, he admitted to cheating on his wife and having a pornography addiction. He’s now facing these child pornography charges. How do you say the things that he was taught growing up? May have contributed to what’s happened in his life. How so
I obviously can’t speak for him. But most of what they taught us was that if anything bad happens, like if somebody was sexually assaulted or touched, it was all to the glory of God and you should forgive the assailant. And the assailant is just a tool that God is using to bring you spiritual power and we were discouraged from going police. You were supposed to go to your church or you were supposed to go to build, a third or
These training centers but not the police because they wouldn’t understand and they counseled using worldly methods and not biblical methods.
So, I don’t know what he saw growing up. I didn’t grow up near him, but
In the program, that’s what we saw is people just get away with it. Coming up my last conversation with Josh Duggar and Heather’s message for his wife Anna. I’m back getting insights on Josh Duggar and the Duggar family from author, Heather Heath. So I want to show you something in the audience at home. When Josh and his the rest of his immediate family were here on my show. Back in 2013. His wife. Anna was pregnant with their third child. Not to be clear. This was two years before any allegations of sexual abuse against him and come to light.
I was a very different conversation. They would have today, take a look. We start off with, if I can’t congratulations. You’re about to have more another grandchild. So Josh Anna when you expecting we are due June, 7th, June, 7th, you know, I got this. Congratulations. So, I notice you’re naming your kids. Mostly. They were all Jays in the Duggars. But Josh, you’re naming, your kids with M’s. That’s right. You may not have noticed. Is my first name is Mehmet. That’s right. We might have to consider that. You don’t seem so innocent. I’ve got to say,
Knowing what Josh has been accused of in the years since that interview. It’s very hard to see him act like a loving family man. So the what’s your reaction to how Josh and his family were portrayed on TV at the height of their Fame?
Personally, I feel like their distraction and a lot of my friends who have left 80. I also feel that. I mean, he is in the spotlight because his family was already famous, but this happens so much within a TI and he’s the one who just got the attention for it. I think.
he was portrayed as this nice loving family, man, who got forgiven and you know, Anna forgave them, but
He was the only one who got called out on it, you know, all these happy young people, you know, smiling and joyful all the time, because mental health isn’t thing if you’re sad, you, you know, it’s the devil. So I think that they prey on people who have had other traumatic backgrounds and that’s how they get new members because they’re still getting new members. It’s just a poor retention rate for second generation.
So is that why the Duggars were always so cheerful because it was reflection on them if they weren’t.
I mean, obviously I can’t speak for them. But probably you were supposed to be smiling and joyful. All the time, happiness was not a thing to strive for Joy was a thing to strive for. So, no matter what was happening. You could be joyful in that situation because you have the joy of the Lord. So if you were depressed, it was from the devil. Pretty much everything that happened was the devil’s fault. If you were joyful, I gotta say.
The Josh was arrested People magazine reported that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar is daughter. Jill has not seen her parents in over two years because she wanted, I’m going to quote, her more control in her life. I use surprise the families starting to splinter in this way. I’m not because it depending on how strict you are in the fundamentalist world. You could be shunned. Sometimes the church will ati’s not a church, but sometimes specific charges will say. If you talk to your kid, you’re going to lose your position in this church, so
So sometimes they’ll have to decide between their child or their church and the position that they hold, many people were shocked after Josh’s. Most recent court, hearing, when his wife, Anna walked out with him smiling and she just gave birth to their seventh child. Why do you think Heather that Anna continues to support him after everything? He’s been accused of
Obviously, I can’t speak for her. I have no idea what’s going through her head and I imagine that it’s absolute torment right now, but
They in AGI, they teach you that you are to obey your husband and stand by your husband.
No matter what if, if he does something illegal, or commits adultery, or some major crime because staying with your husband or your Authority gets you just ultimate recognition of how faithful you are and what a strong submissive wife you are and you’re going to stand by him. No matter what. So it’s it’s put on a pedestal.
Her staying with him if she wants to do that. That’s up to her. But it is revered in a TI. I want you to be honest. Heather now and give a message to Anna. If she sees this interview, what would that be?
Okay. Well, I mean I was also on, it’s the whole time. No. No, I know you were, I’m just a big b, blood donors, the wrong word, be blunt, but she hear from you.
I don’t know what I would say to her. I mean she’s got the whole world looking at her right now. And that’s that’s so much pressure. But I think if she wants to stay and she wants to stick by him, then that’s up to her. And people should just leave her alone about it. And as long as no one else is getting hurt it. I don’t know what the situation is with their kids.
I have no idea that it’s not for me to to reference, but I wish her the best and I’m sorry. This is happening to her and I hope that she’s doing what’s right for her.
Whether I applaud you for scaling the wall and achieving your goals. Yeah, there’s book I should point out. You mentioned it. Briefly. It’s called lovingly abused. It’s available for pre-order right now. You can find out more information and Heather. Grace he.com. You see the link there. We reached out to The Institute and basic life principles and the Advanced Training Institute for common have not heard back at the time of this. Taping. Josh Duggar has pleaded not guilty to the charges. He’s facing and his lawyers have said that they intend to defend this case aggressively and thoroughly other. Thank you very much.
Being with us. Thank you so much.