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Mason Greenwod Ex Girlfriend Speaks Out On Footballer By Fesify
the guys you may have heard already but I’m not sad story has brought today about Mason Greenwood the Manchester United football playoff has had several allegations come forward from his ex-girlfriend’s to post office series of videos on Instagram I say ex girlfriend cuz oversea she still not going to be with him if she speaking about what he’s done to not to show exactly when they had split up if it was like she lost it when she post these clips or was it previously I’m not too sure but we do know they was together she said to everyone who wants to know what Mason Greenwood actually talk to me because of view w discretion and it will be get removed off of YouTube of face is by the cop in this clip it’s absolutely disgusting it makes it a thunderstorm and also a recording of a video to show what his behavior was like to Mucho is released as well
BB like soap
okay let’s go to me
cookie swap
I don’t think I’m 6 to me
what time is Heath Howe
push me down one more time
Manchester United have responded today is in a statement he added we are aware of imitating allegation circulated on social media or we will not make any further comment until Factory established Manchester United is not condone violence of any kind shoes are released pictures of bruises and also her crying as a result of abuse from the Foot Locker which is graphic to even look up right now we don’t know the result of what’s going to happen to Mason Greenwood because it is I do expect that to be the investigation if she’s going to the place also noted play across social media
pictures is one thing but the audio. Was released shows exactly what he was like in their relationship and how he treated her if they prove that that’s him in the court of law what he’s got no way of darkness and it would ruin his career forever not just a little bit of a punishment for a couple of games if you guys want to see the uncensored version of what she released a compost on YouTube will get your meatball put on my Instagram outfits if I if you guys can go watch exactly what she fall for the story or the death and also subscribe to the Channel with the notification Bell so as soon as Mason Greenwood response to that I’ll be posting a Panera 12 to go to miss. Thank you guys for watching as a waste peace out