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January 17, 2022By Origin Ten LTD3 Minutes

Message from the President Cold Open – SNL By Saturday Night Live


and now a message from President Joe Biden

give me all my fellow Americans to keep saying every chance I get in the middle of a cold dark winter this winter is so dark Republicans don’t think you should vote

Moda Spira says just rub paralyzes canceled holidays to Sierra’s gender reveal parties

I know every time a stranger breeze on you you think I’m here to tell you

stop seen Spider-Man come out December 17th every single person on the remainder of my time for questions so you think all covid-19 is people stop going to the movies go to the movies of House of Gucci

everyone in America scene Spider-Man like eight times have you seen Spy

kiss kiss kiss

what about experts who say that the real problem is a lack of testing

percent on a potato

theme for covid-19

they’re holding a ticket that says you recently went to see Spider-Man

alright well then what about the other problems facing America like inflation

okay then why can’t Democrats pass the Voting Rights bill

give me the real reason you can’t pass the Voting Rights Act because members of your own party refused to get rid of the filibuster

the only difference is one of Spider-Man’s villain so maybe like it’s a little much

Russian troops that are now surround in the Ukrainian border pushing us to the brink of World War 3

mr. president it sounds like you want people to stop seeing Spider-Man as a general idea yeah

do you think that elsewhere in the Multiverse there’s a version of you that wants people to see Spider-Man

actually thought about this a lot I’m controlling with dr. fauci and Dr Strange at least one of those that lost a trump approval ratings are sky-high I’m actually supported by my own party

we’re living in a Spider-Man style Multiverse


pictures of crooked wake up every morning look at the news and think on his feet until you sit down for the whole meal mr. president are you okay

can you tell her to call me when you are ready

okay who the hell is that I am Giovanni from the wheel Universe ucp1 the Chicago Cubs won the World Series times and finally win when he was 78

the rest of us are just better off in the real world