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Make More Money Working Less By Matt D’Avella
is it possible to make more money while doing less work that’s the big question that I tackled on the podcast this week with Ryan bowls Ryan is a designer and entrepreneur that works with creatives and Freelancers to help them grow their businesses so that’s the big question at every freelancer should be asking themselves how can I make more money while simultaneously doing less work it’s easier said than done in practice it can be a little bit tricky things can go wrong mistakes will be made but that’s just part of being a freelancer and in following an untraditional path of course you’re going to make lots of scrapes along the way when I was talking with Ryan this week he talked about his lightbulb moment moment that the moment when things kind of clicked and he’s like oh shit like this is no this is what I should be focusing on right now
thing to be challenged by that what would happen if you doubled your rights great challenge to throw it what would you what would happen if I had to think, right to 10 clients let’s see if I double my rights to $200 off the clients like not everyone might take me up on that offer but I’m still running the same amount
working half the time and I was like clean like touching me a lightbulb moment I was like to try that when I first started out as a freelance filmmaker I was doing a lot of hundred dollar or $200 project very low budget stuff and I was happy to get to work and every once in awhile I would get these thousand dollar projects which were really exciting but they also meant I had to do a whole lot of work and then there was a moment a moment that I shared with Ryan on the podcast when I got my first $10,000 project it was a huge moment for me that was my first $10,000 project so I was like I was like this is I don’t ever have to work again as I get to that I’m good I’m good for the year it made me realize what was possible you have to go through that learning as well yeah I think was $1,500
you’re so much more work and then I was like you know I had learned through somebody at the company that I knew he was like eight other people are pitching and if they put the pitching at and it’s like really are you serious that stuff right there like for everyone to be listening to this right now like that is like a groundbreaking like when that happens in your career that’s groundbreaking like you need to be challenged by someone outside cuz you don’t know what possible way we get stuck at creative looking this like just this track that right there I reckon that’ll change who act like someone listening to this podcast is watching on YouTube wherever they’re asking for more money but when you actually start to put it into practice it can be a little bit scary it can be a little bit tricky especially when you’re not busy so I don’t I wouldn’t suggest
Miss if you’re not getting a lot of working if you’re stressed about paying the bills because I’ve been there before and I know that at that moment all you need to do is get that $200 400 dollar project when you start to get a little bit busy when you start to build up that client work if you can fill out your schedule doing these $400 projects that’s when you can start to push it up a little bit and I think the moment happens when you get a project that comes to you that you’re not that excited about they like doesn’t like my Fire doesn’t really inspire me that much that’s a moment when you say screw it I’m going to double my rate I would normally do this video for $400 but I’m going to do it for $800 I recently had somebody asked a question on Instagram he said
I’m doing $4 project right now I don’t even know what a $4,000 project would look like and my response to him was it looks the same it’s the same exact video and it’s the grass the craziest part about this whole thing is that you’re not giving them anything different is that you are pushing yourself further in your business you are now becoming so busy and and people are seeking your work in your wisdom that you’re able to charge more money and for me as long as I can deliver to the client as long as the clients happy with what I’m providing them as long as they’re thrilled and enjoy the experience of working with me then I can charge whatever I want it said there’s a you know don’t worry about industry standard is what the other guys charging down the street if you are delivering a premium product a product that customers and clients are happy with you can charge whatever they are willing to pay I would caveat that again by saying make sure you
deliver cuz I think that has two goals in having an ethically run business and having one we are not scamming people is very important but that said you can charge as much as the client is happy to pay so my challenge for you this week and in the coming weeks maybe in the coming months the next time that you get a project that you aren’t just so thrilled and excited to work on the one where you’re like a do I really want to take this instead of taking it for your usual rate or turning the project down double triple quadruple your rate do something crazy do something with your like there’s no way that they’re going to expect this bed or this project and see what happens because those are the moments as a freelancer that you’re going to really push yourself further that you’re going to prove to yourself what is actually possible
thanks for watching if you want to check out the full episode we’ve got a lot more tips and advice for Freelancers to watch the full episode go to Matt d’ 053 there’s a link in the description
and if you want to find out more about this podcast and the other guests that we’ve had on the show go to ground up show. Cam see you next time