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hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel is the girls didn’t you leave your favorite licensed esthetician as you can see by that tied up below today I’m going to be telling you guys how I started my business what forms you need all the documentation and the things that I struggle with you know becoming a business owner you guys want to hear more on my journey and my process of opening my business then like comment subscribe and keep on watching first things first guys before you even think about open your business I do recommend if you’re fresh out of school to kind of get some experience and start off at a spa or MedSpa things like that I know before I open my business I did work at a med spa in Atlanta and I did obtain my laser practitioner license cuz I knew when I graduated school and got my license that I did want to whatever I did I wanted to be in Medical Aesthetics so I knew I was interested in like micro-needling and lasers and
like that chemical peel seeing actual changes in the skin so before you open a business first things first you want to know what you’re interested in you want to actually forgot your menu first what services you an off-brand What treatments you want to provide also you want to go on a budget in your products and back bar and are you going to sell products are you going to be able to provide retail post-treatment weather is like playing with his skin care with his lashes you do need to be able to provide health care for at home and then also you know you’re back bar and things like that for data Based Services especially me I decided that I do I wanted to stay strictly skincare only so I don’t do any waxing makeup or lash extensions anymore I did when I was mobile time so I did start off mobile first and then I got a job at a med spa while I was still being Mobile on the side doing facials and lashes and things like that and then I kind of
I want to just kind of convert strictly over to skin care only I knew what brands I wanted to kind of start off with and I knew starting a business I need to start off with a brand that was a horrible for me and my clients but also I wanted to have good results with that so I did start off with him and skin care of first and then once I got in my business I did decide to kind of go in with a little more time I active ingredient lines I’m so right now I am carrying face reality glymed plus and I will be carrying the mk44 Homecare really soon so I definitely will be offering those right now for the chemical peels I do use glymed plus their 68 and I do use their very pregnant feel for the level two pills
Jesse recommend you trying to figure out what service you want to offer first and then also getting that experience those are the top two things I recommend first and then once you receive the least whether 6 months or a year in experience, just kind of get the feel of you know working for someone cuz I know when I was working at The Med Spa I was esthetician in a different dance styles able to see how to book appointment how to do confirmation calls what policy for no-call no-show seems like that cuz it’s really important also you know cleaning sanitation you know how to properly clean certain things being able to you know help a client like what I have the reaction of things like that you kind of want to have that experience are you will know how to handle those situations once you’re on your own cuz I know I’m here I’m just a solicitation is just me so I am the front desk I am the marketing I am
manager I am through the retail sales I’m all the above so I felt all my pictures and videos on my own I don’t have any help, I did start my business July of 2020 that’s when I legally start of my business so I did start off mobile after school while working at a misfire in Atlanta I did I’m do lash extensions and makeup as well I love you is very time-consuming and I fell in love with more intensive skin care and I saw great results with my clients who were booking facials and treatments so I kind of want to just transition over to just I mean maybe one day I might want to bring that back onto my menu so I didnae my business king of Jim’s Aesthetics for a reason I said it was at 8 so you know that it’s Medical Aesthetics also left that name there just in case the stakes mean
anyting that’s a static South me wax and lash extensions make up facial skin care of all the above but right now as of right now I’m just a skin care clinic on Lincoln and I love it I did so far as deciding do I want to be an LLC or looking at things like that what documents do I need to start a business so that’s what I did first I did decide that I wanted to be an LLC because I knew that an LLC meant that I was protected separate from myself so Sydney Lee is at me I’m a person and then Tina Jim and FedEx is a business is separate so if you know God forbid something was to happen and someone needed to sue me or there was an issue they would sue king of studies and not feeling I’m so you can be a LLC limited liability company has a solo institution of one person
the only difference is I’m if you’re by yourself you do file your tax documents as a sole proprietor, it’ll still be found as the same thing you just have that cushion of legal support basically that’s what the LLC is for if you see yourself becoming something bigger I definitely recommend starting out for the LLC first I know what LLC you are required to have an EIN and that is the employment identification number and that’s like the number they use for you to start your business accounts for you to be able to rent a space Also the Ein is used for her like your business Social Security number so you can actually apply for certain loans and grants under that number and not your personal social security number I’m you can also build business credit and things like that so I do recommend llc’s over sole proprietor and if you have a partnership and has more than one of you guys then you can look more into that go for your State’s website and just kind of look
what each one is and that’s what I did I made my decision based off of that and then once you decide that you want to do your LLC you will go to your Estate website I know here in Georgia it is an SOS. Go and I’ll link that website below I’m you will go on there and you will apply for your articles of organization so you would go in that website and come up with a name for your business and then you would enter that name and search it and make sure no one in the state has that’s named and then you would apply for it I know here in Georgia once you decide you want to be an LLC you were going to your State’s website and I’ll link that the low and you were going there and you would click on articles of organization and search your name and make sure that no one has it and what’s the name is cleared and you don’t see that anyone has their name in your state then you then you will go ahead and apply as a registered agent in registering a business
and then that typically is $100 and then what will happen is you’ll get a certificate of organization and your email stating that your business now I’m legally able to be open so I did that first I went and got my business license once I came up with my name and I knew that that’s what I wanted to do and go on my own I did come up with that first and then once I got my LLC I did go to the IRS website and I went that below to
can I apply for my Ein so that ye and like I said his employment in the identification number I did apply for that as well, said the nine digit number and I use that to start my business and actually use that 20 for my business bank account and I did start my account with Duns & Bradstreet which is short for DMV he’ll get a DMV number that is how you start your business credit so that’s a really important I feel like for a start of a business so you want to step 1 LLC pick your corporation LLC partnership whatever however you want to do your business as and then
apply for your hand through your IRS website and then you will open up your business bank account on things like that I knew for a fact that I will be selling product so I did go ahead and go on the website and apply for my sales and use tax for me so I’m able to resell products and charge tax on it and things like that I currently pay my taxes quarterly which is every 3 months you can do monthly quarterly or annually which is yearly it’s up to you right now I am a startup business this is my first year so I’m not making 60 years so I don’t have to do it
so often saw me doing my taxes quarterly or monthly is not bad for starting up a business to trying to stay and get used to give yourself in a habit of paying your taxes and things like that cuz you do have to fight Tyson taxes you’re self-employed text and then you do have to pay your taxes on like your Medicare like if you were working for someone you’re you’re so you have to pay both of those and then once you got all of your documentation and for that then you can look for your space so I had all my documents prior to finding my space because you don’t have to have an actual physical address to open a business account to start a business things like that you can be mobile first and that’s what I was I was mobile and working at a med spa so that’s fine
once I knew that’s what I wanted to do I did start looking on a website called loopnet and how was that but like that below for certain spaces I knew I wanted to get an office space or commercial space that was a fordable but I knew I did not want to space in a Salon Suite because they’re too expensive like I feel like their overpriced I’m sorry I just don’t like Salon Suites because they charge weekly and you know my room is about 200 square feet and I knew that was perfectly starting off so I found a place that I loved it was literally a plain blank empty office space and I had to paint and customize my whole room I will make my institution room tour below tell him you can see how I transformed my room where I got all my products in my wallpaper and themes
that from but this one was completely like it was like a baby blue office Rome it was not a decorative it was claimed so that’s only thing I say far is costing you want to kind of budget because you want to make sure you know you going to use your phone please don’t put wallpaper up are you going to get a new bed cuz I know I was mobile so I knew I had to transition that was going to be more comfortable for my clients and instead of those things that I had to sign a budget out like my products Acuity scheduling if I wanted to use so I currently use an Acuity scheduling for my clients and they charge $25 a month and you can book your clients and send them a text and an email, you can do that or you can make your own website that’s why I’m kind of in the process of doing transition over to making a new website
like I said my business been officially opened in July of 2020 was when I legally open up my business I moved in my office space sweet October of 2020 so I literally been in here for about seven months I’m coming up on my year anniversary in July as a business owner and I’m super excited and I’m just grateful and I love that I’m doing something that I love to do I don’t regret anything it is a lot you do have to stay patient and stay focus and be motivated supposed to do I’m posting on Instagram and Facebook
open on YouTube really trying to stay active on YouTube cuz I’m still in shock the light I’m at four hundred subscribers and I just started my channel like 2 months ago so I’m still in shock because I didn’t think it was going to grow this fast and I’m so grateful and I will be posting twice a week I know I said that the last video but I promise guys I will eat just you know I’ve been busy in my clientele has been building up and I thank God I’m grateful and if you guys have any questions or social media at king of gems underscore aesthetic with an Indian me I’ll answer any questions I came up with my name from my son my son he’s 5 his name is king So I knew I wanted to have something that reminded me of you and I knew I wanted to kind of start a legacy for him so I knew can I put king of gems I knew I wanted something
I want to do that to you the white in the silver I know I want to be glamorous but also I wanted to be kind of soda where men and women but some people coming in so I just came up we can get gym Aesthetics and it just sounded good to me and I know that’s why I went from there far as my name and then once I opened up like I said my bank account when things like that I was good to go legally you know I applied also for my salon license that’s very important go to the cosmetology Board of your state and apply for a salon license I know here in Georgia is $75 and I only sat below to I got that slices as well because you want to have that Salon license so stay for didn’t like that you know check things out and you’ll be inspected and things like that because you want to have that because technically
you’re not a shop or Salon without that Salon license and I know that this is just my started room in that eventually I do want to expand and get a refill space something around like 1500 square feet and tire front desk and maybe hire a couple of other esthetician so I knew from the beginning that this is something that I wanted to go and make a bigger thing so I thought I had like this what I need what all documents do I need to have a retail space What tax documents what forms do I need to file a Schedule steam that’s the documents for my tax for my first year and it see if you make under $400 used to have to do your taxes and a great form like a head house or independent contractor you can fill out a schedule
I recommend getting a business advisor most definitely because I know it was like a popsicle for me cuz I was like learning different things every other week like oh I need this warm things like that so I definitely recommend that I recommend doing a budget plan I have something called QuickBooks so I keep up with all my expenses and my purchases because that’s what’s going to make a break your business you want to start off what are things you really have to have fun day one and what are things that you can kind of work up to once you build your client think like that I knew for a fact I wanted my family most of my budget to go onto my product and I knew I wanted my business to have a reflection of me like nice and I knew that one of my clients to have the best of the best
do you also want to make sure you start your business and have your business reflect you and what client you want because your business is going to reflect that if you want to offer $50 facials and you want to just have people on the flatbed
then that’s that’s what you choose to do but I knew I wanted a certain clientele that was going to pay and reflects off my menu and be able to afford the services that offer in also to kind of go hand-in-hand with the product line that I suggested because of the problems that I have, in the middle they’re not too high and low in the affordable and I do have some higher end products as well but I knew I wanted to get that clientele that was going to go home and use their at home regimen you buy products and they were going to come in every month and be consistent because that’s really what it is making sure when you get to the process of your menu and your pricing please make sure you reflects off of
the French do you want also I say reflect off of the experience that you have I constantly take classes I just recently took a class for DMK I’m always doing educational classes in kind of set me apart and sent me different from other institutions here in Atlanta Atlanta is known for Beauty and the industry in hair and makeup and skin so it’s a lot of people that do the same exact thing that I do here but you have to kind of picture self apart and What Makes You Different so I definitely recommend that as well and you also said she want to go through with that’s very important protecting your things and your equipment cuz you spent your hard-earned money on your things for your business and I did start off mine with Progressive they had an affordable rate I will make that in the description below by know every insurance company has a commercial insurance and I wreck
you can literally get the general liability insurance and it’s typically 3 to $50 depending on the coverage amount I know mine covers about a million a million dollars I know everything here is not a billion dollars with it and I just felt like the bare minimum to coverage so I knew I wanted to have some kind of insurance to protect my feet because I just super important to have for a business so just kind of recap you need to apply for your business or your get your EIN and then go ahead and open up a business checking and savings so you can have that is so much easier if you have a business checking and savings account because any purchases you make from that business car it will automatically be there so when it’s time to do your taxes you can live and just print out your statements and your reports is so much easier I know I have all of my things connected through square square is
easier I do not take cash payments anymore because with tech services is so much easier to go ahead and do Square because they kind of generate a report for you at month month to month so after this month so you can just look at that amount of your reports of your gross sales or net sales and use that for your tax purposes or just makes things a lot easier cuz I know you want to make sure you putting up 30% of what you make a month putting that to the side for tax purposes and then making sure you have all your calls for like things were towels and things I need to repurchase like headbands products Barber side thing that you’re going to try to spin the most I know I spend a lot of tissue paper towels thing for the bathroom wraps and see if I can break in Snapchat anytime that you can come to just order on Amazon really quick and get it back you trying to have a savings account for those Necessities that you need coffee
border I provide you know drinks and things like that so you don’t have a budget for that you want to have a budget for if you want our products and things like that and then of course for the massage your rent your monthly rent in your insurance so those are things you want to kind of put up to the side and then after that I’ll answer all of that whatever is left in that account so you know so I don’t pay myself right now like I said it is a startup business so technically I don’t pay myself I pay for everything I need in the business I put it my 30% and then whatever is left is mine and Dad’s house right now like I said this is mine so I’m still in my first year of being open and I’m learning and I’m just giving you and this is just part 1 part 2 will be my next video and I was kind of include things like you know the budget in QuickBooks how to keep up with your receipts monthly things like that
I’m just stay organized so that would be a part 2 to this part 1 with the strictly right over the licensing and paperwork and things like that so if you guys want to continue and follow my journey don’t you got to like comment and subscribe and follow me on social media at king of gym Aesthetics I’m in such a pleasure I love you know being able to express and things that I learned the kind of passed on to my upcoming future professionals out there who just kind of learn the way I did it cuz everybody learns differently go ahead and like I said like, subscribe and follow the follow the family I love all my jams and juice out there