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2020 By Chris Curtis
In just a few years the world will look very different by 2020. 60% of the world’s population will be living in cities with one in seven of them, living in slums. Millions of self-driving, cars could be on the road, drones will fill the skies and thanks to mobile money to billion people, without access to financial services will come into the banking system Teague.
Keep up with the needs of citizens, government’s evolved from their traditional role of Problem, Solver to that of a solution enabler, becoming just one player. Among many in the delivery of public services including nonprofits company’s, social Enterprises and even ordinary citizens. As governments Embrace, this new role solution markets emerge, that dresser diverse range of Public Services from Health Care to education. It’s a world where citizens, not only consume Public Services.
But also participate in delivering them already. Boston residents, use an app to take pictures of potholes, graffiti and other problems. And with one, click send them on to the public works department to fix technology, also transforms government itself, data analytics, enables police departments to focus more on preventing crimes instead of just reacting to them and Regulators to Target the most likely violators instead of companies who play by the rules.
He’s government 2020. Could look very different.