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The Story of Robert Burns By Scotland Is Now
more than 250 years ago Robert Burns on Robbie was born in Halloween in the west of Scotland he wants on his father’s farm and when he was 15 begun to write songs to impress girls oh my love is like a red red rose that’s newly sprung in June when Robbie was 25 his father died Robbie took over the farm with his brother he kept on writing songs for girls and poems inspired by his farming life legit code and timorous Beastie the poems were published it was a massive hit with well over three dozen Edinborough
after spending time in the city Robbie return to the west and Molly
the money from his big rhinos and friends helped them to get a job as a customs officer this allowed him to continue writing menu didn’t you poems what influenced by the ideas of the French Revolution and he’s rude about how the rich and pure should be equal side of the alley just 57 large Crews attended his funeral in Dumfries and poetry became famous all over the world on his birthday every year people gather to celebrate and he or some of his best-known words such as address to a haggis when midnight strikes on the 31st of December people all over the world saying his famous Auld Lang Syne
doll that Queen 10 people is.