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DON’T LOOK UP | Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence | Official Trailer | Netflix By Netflix
this is not real this is not real this is not real this isn’t happening
tell me this isn’t really happening
I hear there’s something you don’t like the looks of meat discovered a very large, no it’s headed
this comment is what we call a Planet Killer
sit tight and assess it tight and then assess the sick part comes first and you got to digest it that’s the assessment. This is the worst news in the history of humanity he just blew a song is this thing.
we’re going to get the news out there one way or another
contains Thirty trillion dollars worth of material what a trillions of dollars matters we’re all going to die
you guys discovered a comment I have a tattoo of a shooting star on my back
because already up Vector
you’re not going live to Beeson Road and die now
who wrote Take Me To Life
can I see it I can’t
I did have the FBI put that bag over your head they don’t do that the CIA does but I made them do it you know I have a feeling you’re feeling cuz that is what I did and was very funny and cool