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December 16, 2021By Origin Ten LTD14 Minutes

GTA 5 – Buying The NEW $5,000,000 AGENCY Business Property! (The Contract DLC) By Digital Car Addict

what is a craddock’s welcome to the brand new contract DLC released today December 15th going to be buying a mostaccioli brand new agencies so they’re on the dynasty executive website instead of the usual foreclosures website so usually on this website before you can only buy the CEO Offices here now you can actually buy the agency’s hear the brand new agencies so here they are the four different locations so the cheapest one box of million 10,000 and the most expensive 12 million 830,000 resume in here a little bit so you can see better if these are the locations

not bad I mean they’re almost City and I mean I don’t think any one of these is a bad location even the cheapest 10 second pretty good location as well of course you have this bridge here and I’m overpass on the highway I mean this is a really even the cheapest ones I mean absolutely great location right in the middle of the city roughly that’s not bad at all and these two are very good ones as well. Depends with emissions and stuff are but you really can’t go wrong with any of these

you know what I’m going to go with think I might go with this one this one right here this looks like a good one pretty close to the Customs I always think ahead for my cars and stuff supposedly was 20 car garage in here so you know what let’s go with this one OK Google first so you can choose in the Arts so power and money Poppin hype loyalty and respect okay will do the same respect wallpapers

nice you got expensive very quick

I like this one question I guess nice


man oh man this is nice to very simple but this is pretty cool tile plus nice okay highlights

or we could do like a main backdrop color

I do this one to ask my slice some simple Armory so practice agency and house Armory weapons expert I’ll pretty much like the mark 2 weapons thing you have any ammo see okay

accommodation yes if you want to respond here or have your character sleep. Need to buy this vehicle Workshop boom okay I don’t see the garage thing they were talking about here maybe that’s just part of it I guess you don’t have to buy that with it I don’t know but that’s the vehicle Workshop from there

okay let’s buy a $5000000 pretty much exactly what I predicted it to my how much money will need for this update video so nice all right bye bye

purchase pending okay Missy your agency let’s go

oppressor Mark 2 absolutely toxic vehicle but you have to admit it’s super convenient to get around the map

all right

here we are

the networks are pretty nice location

where’s the main entrance to this over here

that’s pretty cool that’s actually I like this location a lot actually not bad at all

alright let’s see here oh boy

different elevator k

hey just hold it for a sec please

boss got to visit

I just bought you okay

I won’t make that mistake again

just in here oh

yes crack


you failed me you put the bread down on I’m the manager Franklin Clinton. I asked about setting this thing up they all pointed straight at you a genuine real Raptor now me Employee of the Month background you ain’t got that problem

down the street I know real good cuz that’s where I’m from but now I work with Rich folk who got rich folk problems and no fucking idea how to deal with you know like the kid Mike stole a car bucket people are they in the tennis coach for guess what my homies can help him with all that

now do you see this is your share with him partnership

that’s why I can write the mine she works operation for a while the height of shit

hey Marty

knock knock

you doing here Lamar the question is what are you doing here is that who you bring it in with you why you didn’t

I’m the one who called that pimp put him up on everything dog and you motherfukers got the nerve to cut me out why I got two words for y’all find a motherfuking feet that’s why I’m a black Jordans. On snapmatic my buddy anabasine I remember this dude when he was broke so fuck compared to get a motherfuking coach seat now all of a sudden eating grapes in the cockpit with the captain and you to go in on your dog ass cuz you know what’s happened but I ain’t trippin cuz now it’s held Eastern to come up

how’s that for Sam

okay see you in a bit I mean nice young lady with the profitable posterior right there at 2 I ain’t even know they had a computer damn I feel tell me about it I like Tony McDowell keep doing what you doing

baby lying like a motherfuker anyway though now look at you you feel like somebody now you OG now cuz almost big as mine but they won’t be not at all

are mute characters are always so funny and awkward I love it

this is sick


this is I love this layout it’s like a CU office but better use Franklin’s office

Chiapas probably somewhere around the office which is kind of cool so I guess you’ll see him around

meeting room


the coffee machine stuff

what where does it go up to


where’s the armory

this is nice

purchase weapons and equipment at an exclusive discount



you wouldn’t wonder what a mighty will look like she wasn’t all that hard-ass gosh it everybody wants to

oh man

very cool a breeder is so you can buy everything here

combat armor here too so what you don’t have to go to the

she might vision

Browns gear

I’m trying to see can you buy armor here without having to go to ammunition anymore cuz I’d be really nice

I’ll see the option here

hello game

I don’t know I guess we’ll look at it later very cool though

you guys open soda machine

mcwhite’s Prague

the arcade machine

over here very cool

their office there or I can waiting area

what is the Pratt wow this is huge

hello how clear they were the viewers I mean it’s this is awesome location

the telescope’s multiple floors

this is sick

kitchen and everything

I hear you can take the elevator straight to where you need to go

this is nice

Knuckles back out to here

wow what is the reception area look like

Mommy We Ready song we walked in but let’s get a better look around it

this is really nice like for businesses

you’re learning how to walk

I want to get to keep going down there to go to these stairs over here

this is slick

this is a tough course oh man


this is amazing okay. Olga Raj here we go this is what I wanted to see

this is what I was I guess it comes with it

then I guess you need to buy a vehicle Workshop to maybe upgrade cars in here I think

yes yes yes, show me the garage you guys know I’m a car guy so for me this is one of the most exciting parts

these are Franklin scars right

all of these are just part-time at Franklin’s bike from story mode



is the town here mine probably but I guess I was more like just the vehicles for the business I assume and then obviously we have to look into this a bit further but

oh here we go

let’s see here

120 wow

so the rules is forced there

and then these are all your available spots but it’s still 20 look at that 20 available spots

and if I would like six on each floor like those

I remember from the trailer one of the floors had 10 so I think that’s the bottom one

no yes no yeah it does they’re just like really close together I don’t know what this bike is


an abdominal d-pad not telling me okay well then looks it looks a lot different than I thought it would be but I mean it’s still very nice a lot of the vehicles are kind of separated

so how many can you fit it to manager you have to go to this floor okay. In between

do 10 11 12 13 14


okay wow that’s that’s cool that’s definitely different okay let’s exit here

this is a pretty insane it’s basically another sea of office is basically what it is okay I love this entrance and exit this is sick

wow is this I do like

this is perfect

wow that is awesome this is really really nice super convenient

okay alright Rockstar

I think you would have another CU office basically you know what you have here but you know partnered with Franklin and you do all the missions and stuff for him right there

this is insane this is very very cool I’m definitely make sure you guys picked us up especially if you want more space and I mean just overall very very cool and realistically it’s not super expensive I think if you kind of stick to exactly what you need try to like not worry too much about the decorations I’m just try to buy what you absolutely need 11 Armory probably not so much either let me just fix the vehicle Workshop the accommodation I think that’s pretty much all you need if I’m being honest later on though for discounts on these properties and stuff over the coming months then now you can buy those upgrades at a cheaper price but yeah not bad at all hope you guys enjoyed stay tuned for more videos soon I’m going to be buying all the cars and stuff and customizing them and then we’ll get into the missions with Franklin and all that stuff thanks for watching guys and I’ll see you in the next one