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The *BEST* Player in PWR Is… By PWR
today we put all of powers Pro players and content creators in one game of fortnite Arena there’s a prize pool for the top three placements a little comment down below who you think there’s going to be save it has 300 painting and playing from Europe so go easy on the bus driver where is he going to King Spider-Man
thinks killing people nice job
Mike Chichi radius is killing two I’m going to say it he’s at sanctuary
is she dead
what is Prague in Jenks has to feel myself about a man that is going to be crucial
I ran into trying to
no ice all over
let’s go
yeah he’s one-hit I’m lit Isis.
no bro dead
oh my God I like it when someone likes getting killed
just like
I can’t wait.
I know I helped you write I didn’t technically kind of teeming
Bayshore stores
no. You’re not here yet
can you pull its energy is in this one purple SMG come on
oil capacity on a 3.0
nice shot dead watching my stream that is cheeky jeans that is cheap
I did do try not to anybody
oh my God
random god dammit dying to not even one of the boys with this Lisa Summers killed him to if I just had my shotgun know no damn
oh my God bro Grassman
I’ve ever seen only one of them I’m doing terribly today I’m just 6 minutes
W King
what is fragging know he’s just probably shooting people out of the sky as a Spider-Man
that’s why I’m at Walmart I’m here but I’m safe open up now 21 Joe
a little bag
I don’t think it’s working
I can send Calvin photo
oh no lucky what do you think you doing buddy
I’m going to get sprayed by someone else
he’s got someone else when I’m headed that way if you had it as well I’m going straight to the Hoffman
I’m at it’s so hard to play on this pig
awesome and I know it definitely going to give it to him
Norwood School
Duo large picture Johnny manager filling in there
what else I’m getting error messages on my screen sorry I missed you and I’m sorry I just got an error message on my screen broke his heart rate is so high right now cuz he actually made it to the end of a video people.
I still need a random person left I think three that restaurant that we have chili
nice that’s big
that’s our dog is going to be me as I fly out ready I told someone else
during my bills vs idea
where they got another girl
that is so disgusting
torque wrench
but you’re also imprisoned in matter is cringe
he often do you like me
clip-on with my shorts versus Jenks
open Pool app
yeah that’s a loss that is a loss