Credits :Serge Mazurov
hello we are the clean talk and disband the team and loose video we want to tell you about one of the options of our Aunt has been plug-in named spam firewall the main goal of the spam Fireball option is to prevent well-known and very active members from visiting your website to clean talk loud update information of spam Bots activity in real time and it allows us to block of them before they can visit your website

bus from firewall helps to solve several problems it has been off since the comments to your website then your web server has to execute some code to produce this comment and it takes resources what if there are thousands of them our

your web server would be loaded a lot and these might happen that you’re hosting provider will send you a warning to reduce expenditure of giving resources

unlike other and to spend Solutions spend firewall does not allow Spanish to visit your website pages and shows them a broken screen

sing Fireball uses automatically created database of IP addresses this database is being formed from the list of the most active stem IPS if you’re being spammed and there is no AP address of the spinner in the database then you can always add it to your personal breakfast

to do that go to clean Talk control panel personal list

you’re always able to control the way how to find a firewall works for your website in your locs

for instance here we can see what IPS were protests by eat and which ones were blocked or allowed

and that’s reps out of this review of The Stand firewall function if you have any questions feel free to contact us we will be glad to help you

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