inside of a divvy overlays you just open up the one that you like to add the exit intent trigger to all the way down to the box that automatic triggers a box and by default none it selected but we’re going to go ahead and select exit intent
and then we’re going to update and that’s all we have to do there’s no other settings to configure because anytime the mouse leaves that viewport it’s automatically going to trigger it so I’m going to go ahead and refresh the front end of this page here
I want three loads are you notice I can go about viewing this webpage doing it whatever you want to do and then when I go to leave the page is when that triggers and so you can see here or does it automatically now it’s going to continue doing that accident it trigger over and over again if I continue closing it and then having my mouse leave the viewport however what you can do is you can at check the box to display once per page load
and quick update
imma go ahead and refresh this page here and what that does is if they close it and then the page it’s not going to continue showing that pop up over and over again cuz it once I closed it I can keep you in the page of my mouse leave the screen again it’s not going to continue showing that pop up so it’s at once per page look however if I go to a different page or reload the page or whatever then it will continue to show again and so there’s we have another feature in place that will change that so for example if you want once they close that pop up that accident and pop up for it to not show again for 7 days 30 days at 99 days you can do that using our clothes button cookie expiration to all you do is come over here to the clothes button customizations and set the clothes button cookie for however many days you want and what that means is once they close that pop
it’s not going to show again for the specified number of days if they come back to your website within 20 days in this example it’s not going to show them that pop up again assuming they’re still using the same browser and so on that will make sure that they don’t continually get annoyed with the same offer every single time and so that’s how you use the exit intent trigger as well as a display once per page load as well as the clothes button cookie expiration feature within Divi overlays hopefully he found this tutorial helpful and we’ll see you on the next tutorial take care bye