hope your delivery rates and make your emails look more professional today I’m going to authenticate a custom domain I used to send emails to my customers about upcoming events and sales ready to dive in let’s get started
begin I’ll navigate to the website icon and click domains I previously verified the email domain I want to send from so I’ll click Start Up indication next I’ll choose my domain Provider from the drop-down menu if your service or software isn’t listed you’ll click other otherwise I’ll click next in the next step only to open a separate browser window or Tab and navigate to my domain providers website to access my domains records most Services provide instructions on how to edit your DNS records on their website depending on your server if you can find links and how to edit your DNS records and Milton’s guides in tutorials and after I found my domains records and click next and the snow picked up I’ll follow the instructions for creating new see Name Records I’ll copy the values for my new records here and paste them into the corresponding fields in my domain providers website
then I’ll repeat the steps for cname to
and when I’m done I’ll click next
from here my email domain will be authenticated as soon as MailChimp can confirm my records are updated and correct this process could take up to 48 me when the process is complete is there any issues with completing the process MailChimp will send an email to tell me what needs to be fixed in order to proceed
so looking at this my authentication was successful so I’ll see the authenticator the table next to the domain on the domains page of my account now I can send through Maelstrom with more confidence in the deliverability of my email marketing and that’s it you’ve learned how to setup email domain authentication to learn more about domains and MailChimp check out our guides and tutorials