Credits :Louise Henry
hey guys welcome back to my channel in today’s video I’m going to share with you my favorite ways for getting more email subscribers your email list is so important and it’s where the majority of your sales are going to come from so how do you get people on your list both of the ways that I’m going to tell you about involve giving away content for free yep it’s the easiest way to establish credibility and show people that you really know what it is that you’re talking about so the first way is to give away a freebie that’s a PDF a checklist or a work and this is because it’s a really quick and easy give away so people don’t need to commit too much in order to receive that the thing is with both of these is at the topic has to be super enticing I’m sure just like me your inbox like getting a little out of control now I kind of hate mine and like working on figuring this

but your inbox is getting out of control so you’re a little more hesitant nowadays with just giving it away to really go for something that’s like wow I can’t believe this person is giving this away for free that will make for a really effective PDF opt-in so for example on my website I have a free pdf guide It’s called launch your website quick and it’s a step-by-step roadmap for the non-techie entrepreneur so this is really appealing for my ideal customer they want to know how they can get online and they want to know how to do it quickly so I give away all the steps for free my second favorite way is to host a free training often people are hesitant to host a free training because they’re worried that no one is going to sign up because they don’t have enough people on their list yet but it’s actually one of the best list Builders and it’s because not everybody is doing these things you might think okay yeah there’s

how many webinars but you could do a webinar you could do a challenge you could do a mini course I still think the while there is a lot of people that have done webinars before it’s still not over. And there still opportunity because there are so many entrepreneurs that are too frightened to go live and aren’t doing it so you have that Advantage there and you can connect even better with people that way because you can converse with them in the chat so rather than thinking okay I can’t do any free training because I don’t have a big enough email list instead I want you to think about using these free trainings in order to grow your email list I recently ran a challenge and I got so many new subscriber so many people welcomed into my world because it was more enticing and because it was a bun Liv type of the vet now it’s really important though is that you don’t just create this free being think people are going to automatically find you you have to have some way in which you are getting people to see

my favorite ways of doing this are Pinterest and Facebook ads so whatever you do you need to be finding a way to get it in front of enough people so whatever it is that you choose make sure that it’s something that you can get in front of new people every single day if you’re just getting started though I would recommend just riding with Pinterest which is a really great way to get lots of free traffic to your website so those are my favorite ways of getting more email subscribers what are your favorite ways I would love to hear your methods in the comments below thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you guys soon

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