list of toriel I’m going to show you how by using the advanced access manager plug-in you can create and configure new roles so once you’re logged into the dashboard or the back end of your website scroll down and hover over the aam item in your menu and click on access control

this will bring you to a page that in the bottom right-hand part of the page is the control manager

and here we want to make sure that rolls is selected so will click on that or make sure it’s in blue and then click on the plus icon to add a new role

then there will be a pop-up window that appears and you can type in the name of the role that you’ll be creating

and it can be up to 20 characters long and needs to be either alpha or numeric characters

Soul title this task manager and then select the roles capabilities and you can select any of these but for this particular tutorial we’re going to select administrator

and then click on add new role

so at this point we want to configure some of the abilities of this particular role that was just created so find it in the list of roles and then select the settings icon and click on that button and this will bring up the ability for you to be able to

configure the specifics of this particular role so at this point whenever you create a new role there’s a few things that you want to make sure that you restrict the capability of them doing because this will prevent you from running into problems in the future so click on capability

and then you’ll be when you’re in the back in here you’ll see that there are tons of different things that you can configure with this so let’s go ahead and select for to display one hundred of these are there just so many things that you can choose here but three things that you want to make sure that you don’t give them the capability or don’t give this role the capability to do the first is you want to make sure that level 10 is not selected you also want to scroll down

and where it says delete users make sure that’s not selected

and also where it says remove users you want to make sure that’s not selected until by on checking those boxes that will keep that particular user from the possibility of allowing them to remove users including yourself or others in the future and this may not be an intentional thing that they would do I but we just want to prevent it from happening and once you do that go ahead and click on Save

and that will save the settings for that particular role so that is how you create and configure rolls of course there’s so many different options that you have when creating a new role and limiting their capabilities are giving them the ability to do certain things but too many to go over in this tutorial so please come back and watch more video tutorials so we can help you accomplish your mission online

Credits :OurChurch.Com
hi and Welcome to our church. Cam video tutorial series on WordPress and on this tutorial I’m going to show you how to exclude or restrict pages from being displayed to visitors when they come to your website so let’s just say for example that when we’re looking at this site we set up a very simple demo site and let’s just say that I want to restrict the photos from being viewed by anyone just anyone coming to the the website I want people to have to be logged in to the website to watch a show photos and this could be something that church is due or schools do because they want to protect the identity of people and it doesn’t completely protect them in the sense that no one is able to view them but just keeps people that you don’t want or don’t give access to the certain pages from being able to to access them

so let’s go ahead and log into the back end of the website right now

and when we do that we’ll be logged into the dashboard and we want to look on the left hand side

other menu and select a a.m. which stands for advanced access manager and click on access control

on the right bottom corner of Access Control page you’ll find a control manager section

right here and so what we want to do is click on the visitor icon

and in the new horizontal menu that opens up click on post and pages

and then click on the filter post by post type for this funnel

and that we want to select and click on pages and this will give us a list of the pages that we want to restrict or we have the option to restrict so it shows all the pages Sarah and because we want to restrict photos

we’ll go ahead and click on the settings icon

and then check the box

next to exclude

select apply

and then click save

so that will restrict the pages for the page called photos from showing up in the navigation menu when someone is not logged into the website so let me go ahead and demonstrate how this works I’m going to log out

and now I’m going to go back to the site and I’ll refresh the page

and now you see that the photos page has been removed so this is how you remove or restrict a page from being displayed to people that are not logged in to your website please come back and watch more video tutorials on WordPress so we can help you accomplish your mission online

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