2% reduction
11% reduction there and then Minify HTML problems if you’re not there to do this they actually have an option to Minify HTML CSS and JavaScript but for now we’ll show you how to do it on WordPress site
so you can see I’ve already downloaded it’s autoptimize
like Auto optimize but only 10 and so remember I had this huge list of problems with CSS JS just JavaScript and HTML so you going to the settings
check off optimized HTML code optimize JavaScript and optimize CSS
and then you would click save at the bottom I’ve already done that
so we have all these problems here where we have a score of a 78
now we’re back up to 82
can you see the middle by CSS and HTML are now gone all those problems have been fixed and the Minify JavaScript is now down to only four issues and it’s only a 1% reduction that you can get from its do you eliminate render-blocking JavaScript that had a huge list of things is now just down to one and so the plugin
did work light work
that’s autoptimize
using WordPress is very easy to do the same thing on any of the type of content management system or yourself to do is log in to class which we set up a little earlier in the course you’re going to go to the speed tab at the top and then just put a checkmark next to HTML CSS and JavaScript for automatically modify these for you know you don’t need the plug-in if you’re on WordPress you can actually do it through its kind of personal preference but if you’re not on WordPress this is what I have to do to Minify all these things in your code
WP Super Cash is one of the best cashing plugins that generate static HTML files from your Dynamic WordPress blog consider the factors affecting the work of your side server load media and content optimization JavaScript CSS HTML code Minify
people are usually testing their website speed with Google page feed inside but Google page feed scores have nothing to do with the speed itself the new Google page feed API is now based on a different analysis engine so we suggest checking your site speed using other testing sites such as gtmetrix or pingdom services in the video we are using gtmetrix.com go to gtmetrix.com and paste the URL click on the test your sight and wait for it to collect the statistics this service determines the performance of the website and provides recommendations on how to improve the parameters now let’s optimize this site speed we begin with autoptimize go to the plugins page and install autoptimize
then go to settings autoptimize and activate midifine options JavaScript and CSS
we also recommend using a CD and server which significantly increases the performance of your son switch to the wp SuperCash install and activate the plugin
do the settings WP super cash and turn on cashing
update status and move to the advanced settings
we applied the recommended settings all adjustments depend on the particular site statistics and your preferences
here is a tip exclude Dynamic pages from cashing this helps to avoid errors
go to the preload Tab and check the following options
after all modifications retest and compare the parameters
as you can see statistics for a website significantly changed and the load time improved try to apply these settings and we guarantee the results will impress you
Highly recommend it A great plugin. Works wonders.
Impressive support I continue to be really impressed by the speed and helpfulness of Frank’s support. In this case it was about the use of the Plugin with Sitegrounds SG Optimizer plugin. I’m now in a position to test ‘What works best’
Thank you,
Very excellent support Incredible reactivity and excellent competence to find the exact point where the problem lies and to give the solution.
Thanks to Frank.
Plugin works well and great support The plugin works great except for our edge case but that is understandable. Frank replied back surprisingly fast for this being a free plugin and was very helpful.
Does his job very well Good support, fast and right on target.
Fast issue solving and perfect plugin I faced a fairly big crash on my site.
I deleted their plugin and I still had the issue.
I thought AO is causing the crash, but after contacting their customer service the problem was solved in their 1st message. It was not the fault of Autoptimizer!
For the fast issue solving and the optimization, this plugin can make them deserve 5 stars!
The best supported plugin ive ever seen! The functionality of this plugin is amazing, but the support is breathtaking!
Great and fast support Had a problem with one theme and Frank got back on my issue within hours and also my delayed reponse.
Blazing fast, business professional and easy goin’.
If you can afford it, support them and go Pro.
One of the best Pagespeed Plugins best working Merge Plugin with top support
Excellent plugin for wordpress universe No doubt, this is the best optimization plugin for years in wordpress repo and really good developer support ever i seen.
I am hoping this plugin will be continue till wordpress last breath ð