and then this window will come up so this allows you to either generate for your website your mobile app or your Facebook app for the purposes of this video we will stick to the website next we have language preferences and you can choose between any one of eight languages currently so we’re going to stick to English and just fill in our website
and click on start generating
now this takes us to a sort of overview page that allows you to pick the type of legal solution you’d like to apply to your website so you can choose between the Privacy & cookie policy the cookie solution which is for the EU cookie law as well as terms and conditions we’re just going to stick to the privacy and cookie policy for now and click on generate now
yeah we can add a service but if you look to the right you will see that we also have the option to enable gdpr wording is important if you have any customers are uses that might be from the EU so we try to apply the strictest standards to a closes in general but they’re very specific wording and requirements for the gdpr law and you can read more about that in or help action so you can choose to enable or disable this option you can also choose to apply the gdpr protection standards to just the EU or to all of your uses if you click all users that it’s going to use the protection standards that apply to the GDP off for everyone and if you picky you only then customers that fall or uses that fall outside of the
you would have different Clauses applying to them that might be a little less strict because they do not fall under the protection of the gdpr
so now that we have options selected here we can click to add a service