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Credits :Vixen Digital
I don’t want it showing from Vixen Digital P PC agency in Brighton today I’m going to be showing you how to install Google tag manager on your WordPress website using a WordPress plugin so without further delay let’s get started

hi everyone so I’m going to show you very quickly how to install Google tag manager on to your WordPress website using a plug-in rather than implementing the code manual so we’re going to copy the actual container ID here and scarpeta over go over to your WordPress dashboard and if you navigate to plug-ins and add new

I’m going to search for plugins I’m going to search for Google tag manager

and I suggest that you use this one which is by Thomas guy got Google tag manager for WordPress and still no

and activate

and a nephew navigate to settings and then Google tag manager

you’ll see this plug-in available here so here it says the Google tag manager ID so we’re just going to paste our tag manager ID in that unsafe changes

so once those changes are saved I’m going to go then open up my store in a different tab

so here’s my website my my fake shop and is two ways that we can check this one is for the tag assistant so I can able. I’m going to refresh the page

and we can see that that Google tag manager code is now in place I’m also going to go over to back to the Google tag manager interface and I’m going to go to preview I’m going to enter the preview on debug mode

I’m going to go back to my website and I’m going to refresh and we should get the Deep of pop up that we got on this will this confirms that the people talking about you is all set up correctly now you can go through and check all your pages but they shouldn’t be any need to but one thing that we just want to make sure to do just write the answers we can leave preview mode

I’m just going to make sure that this Google tag manager is actually initialize say

okay hope that helps look forward to seeing you back here soon

in this video how it is how to install Google tag manager in WordPress before we start everything here Reese download this Chrome extension is by Google so is call Tech assistant you can look at this this you are a my description below so make sure you add that into your Chrome so how’s the weather you have this icon I hear the next thing is to talk about WordPress difficult Way East you go to your appearance look for a deter next is you search for

Hazleton PHP different team who have different name so bad usually you have a does a PSP and then go to your gut that major take this that you have to soak it in my it’s okay you can just paste this go as high as possible at the hit the additionally pasties go immediately after the body was just copy this code to hear those still within the hate so the second part is copied his body is cold after immediately the body at here so you can see the body

I basically got here and then remember to update the fall so this is the difficult way the easiest easiest ways in stop lying so I recommend is called Duracell told me who wrote that manager for both breasts or just install it after that go to applying activate then go to the setting look for Google tag manager just piss you Google that manager ID if you no idea what this is where the angel series disco in here and then just save changes the first thing you need to look about this I can’t hear so be. Everything I recommend you take this disgusting took the oath of validation into on the next you could refresh you automatically scan everything and you don’t need to like you record and then to refresh every time you trust me it was safe and loyal time so definitely this is working so you can check is It Disco is correct you may wonder why this is not the green color I will check the error is Cortana

Body Temple Realty East we insert the code and I hate session just now so how’s the weather for this week I was I will you pay salts and then so when I saw that manager actually the first call as we followed the guy dies in got that manager at in such as a hit session you can see and hear station and then the second quarter after the body so I suspect this Google Assistant Chrome extension students as the last updated is February the HD trust me you just follow this should be fine thanks for watching happy tree

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