Video reading area
Origin Ten Technology is driven by a desire to make the world a better place.
This area has been designed to improve Video accessibility for user with hearing problems and for those who just prefer to read.
Cassetteboy – Rage Against the Party Machine By cassetteboy
when I was asking people to limit contact with all the people you can meet one person outside of your heart soul now you do what I tell you with cheese and wine and Pinkie Pie’s from Netflix please to wine and cheese the route you see apply to me how do you say it was a suitcase blind buys metropolitan police forces
but never giving screen.
Another for the mattress
and if you think I should be in the day you can suck my present
and you do what I tell you fuck you I didn’t do what I told you fuck you I didn’t do what I told you I want to fuck you I don’t do what I tell you fuck you I didn’t do want to fuck you. Fuck you