and he’s going to go into the search but it’s a hide
WordPress login
breaking up in there it is right there
it’s cool wpsi login and old does is it takes your login page which is normally going to be right here
you can get to it I going to eat you or your domain name for / wp-admin and it’ll bring up the login page and of course the problem with that is everyone knows where that is so if a bad guy or Hector wants to get into your site then they know exactly where your login page is going to be so with this plug-in does it did it just hide your login page so now you have a tougher time finding how to get logged into your site
so I have to install that I’m going to activate it
and we’re going to settings WBS hide login
okay and all there is is it to get to the to the settings page
and right now is called login but I can change it to anything I want
Dave’s login or
some random characters and numbers I want just something so it’s going to be hidden now from from the rest of the world has Dave
State login one word going to cook on Save changes
and then head out to my website to homepage do a quick refresh
and when I try to what
it’s a login page I get a 440 cuz it’s no longer there so it’s a login I have to go to
and maybe it’s just really it’s it’s a really good good plug into just how you login page and and make a little bit tough for the hackers just make sure you write down what your actual login is so you don’t forget it then you’re going to have to you can have to disable the plug-in and and redo it so so I want to tell you thanks for listening
so this is my smart plug in to test something by completely forgot the admin URL
okay Soulja now because I’m located again
can a little pug and a sword it takes me to this every page
so what you do you go to your C panel or you’ll control panel for using something else
you go to pitch P my Advent
can you find the tables in this case is this table named here
can you go to the folder cool w p underscore options
you look so full
I just called wwhl this one had to be a child on the school page is closed at 12 News search for page
and you’ll find a bit quicker I still be a challenge School page I know you see the value is home hyphen 10 site
Halo hyphen one
I know you call me Maya Graphics my login page or you can change it manually here
do something else bothering me sleep inside the plug in
and I’ll always be careful editing you will taste better athletes with breast milk back up
are you just currently looking for this feeling versus no problem
I know you’re looking as Noble and then you can change change inside a plug-in so if I was to login now
I go to the settings to get heart login
I’m here I can change it to on Home Tool I’m in photo something else save your not still be changed
so fun to use.
Awesome! Awesome!
it works as advertised In a few clicks I was able to hide the login page
Simple & Works! Thank you very much for creating this simple plugin. It is very useful for me 🙂
WPS Hide Login do not work Sorry, but this plugin do not function with my site. Nothing happens after installing, login site is still there and Redirection Forbidden 403 will do nothing, there is browsers normal “Oops!”.
Excellent Works as intended, easy interface
Excellent ð Awesome plugin!
Thank you very much!
Just install it and change the link, done. Perfect. no more unknown user trying to login in the error log.
GROSSE FAILLE DE SÃCURITà C’est pas du tout au point et sécurisé.
un développeur à réussi à contourner votre plugin pour arriver à ce connecter sur le wp-admin. alors qu’il ne connaissait même pas l’url de redirection qu’on à mise.
Super Easy! Install and change your login URL.
Thus, make sure the first step of WordPress security!
Useless with Search box if you have meta pages This should be in the README for this plugin.
This plugin (v.1.9.1) only hides the page from direct access via URL. If you have a search box and meta pages (Log In, Sign Up, Members, etc.) on your website, one can search for the string “Log In” on your site and find the hidden login page. Remember to change the name of the Log In page to something else. Might as well change the titles for ALL the meta pages like “Sign Up” and “Reset Password” too. If you have multiple language setups, remember to do this for ALL languages per page. You will also need to change the page_id number once hackers already know it. Better yet DELETE those meta pages.