let’s go to pages I have a sample page that I’m going to use to demonstrate here today
and the traditional method
right of a duplicating this page would be to open it up you would then copy like the entire content
and then you would go in here create a new page give it a title and then paste in all of that content and you know this works at some level but
it’s not the best way because this is not the duplication
of that page it’s basically copying the content over a page in WordPress is much more than just as content right I can set things like permalinks featured images discussion attribute page attributes not to mention page templates right so when you’re just copying this content using copy and paste all of these attributes are not copied with it so you would have to redo them all over again well to add this functionality to autor press we can use a plug-in right plugins to the rescue so go to plugins add new and organist search here for plugging cold duplicate post if this one right here let’s go ahead and install it activated so now if you go to Paige’s you’ll see that we have two extra options when we hover
on on a page on this list here we have clone and we have new draft if we do clone it’s going to Crete
a copy of that page
and put it in draft mode if we say new draft is going to do the same thing but it’s going to automatically open the the editor for us and right here if we had any secret images or different templates
these will get copied with it so not just the content with also these attributes right here and of course this plug-in also works with posts not just pages and that’s it’s a very simple procedure using this stuff free duplicate post plug in thanks for watching this quick tip I’m on the and until next time take care
and we are searching for the duplicate post plug in this is the one we want so let’s install it once it’s installed this go ahead and activated as well as activated here and either go into the settings and make some changes to show what all you want copied over these are all the good items to copy over by default we’ll just keep it like that and you can Addie prefix it keeps things separate us a copy and then you here you can list things that you don’t want copied over right I’m going to click save changes and now let’s go ahead and find a post that we want to clone it say that this is the one I want to work on so let’s clone it and now you see the copy Marco and formatting the other one is down here click edit here
and I see all the formatting has come over which is great but we also have the categories that is come over the tags if we had a featured image that would come over as well and now we can safely work on this draft without worrying about the live item getting messed up if you like this video click on the like button and then go ahead and leave us a comment there we love to hear from you this video
and the reason I’m using this plug-in is because it’s 100% free there is no upgrades for premium features or anything like that and it’s just it just does what it supposed to do so so good on a plug-in so go ahead and install and activate that and you’ll see it show up in your list of plugins here in order to access the settings is just a one-time thing go to tools and then supposed to placate her and here I just want to point out a couple things the post status make sure that’s draft okay if you had same as original in the post that you’re copying or the page that you’re copping was public that would also be public or status of published out we don’t want that we want them always to be copied as a draft same thing down here other couple settings if you want to change them to duplicate title you can have copy or copy you can take that to be whatever you want so basically if your title in will see this in a couple of minutes a couple seconds but if your title is call
how to make a WordPress website and you can copy that post with a plug in the next post is going to be how to make a WordPress website copy and same thing with the slug which is the URL that last part of the URL after your domain name are just going to append copy to that as well as you want to customize that you can change that so that looks good if you change something go ahead and click on Save changes let’s go ahead and duplicate a post and a page so in our posts section here I’m going to pick a public post here seven critical Django production server settings to configure before going live so you see this new Option here to duplicate post really simple all you have to do is click on duplicate post and we will now have a new Post in here which is essentially what I just talked about the name of the post with copy a pendant after it is set as a draft if we click on that and go in to take a look at it will see that the slug has
in Altered as well with coffee being a pain it to the end and we’re going to go cuz it’s a draft so you do whatever you want in here the same thing works for pages so it’s good to her page has section let’s copy who is Tony so same type of thing to placate page this time and we will now end up with another copy of that set to be a giraffe same type of thing in here if you click on it we have instead of about it’s about Dash copy that’s about it guys thank you for watching this video let me know if you have any questions in the comments section below I’ll do my best to help you out subscribe for more videos like this about WordPress tips and tricks and if you do I’ll see you in the next video