the WordPress database is Central to any word press website content settings plug-in data theme data and a whole lot more there are several situations when you might need a copy of your database perhaps you wish to copy your website from one WordPress environment to another possibly from local to live or Between Two Hosts or maybe you’re about to install a major WordPress update and you want to ensure you have a local backup of your site’s data in either case exporting the database is a great start one of the most common method is to perform an export from within phpmyadmin or your database manager however in this video will utilize a totally free plugin called WP migrate DB here’s what I know and by the way if you want to skip right to the tutorial click the chapter marker below with the free WP migrate tv plug-in you can find and replace your site URL

open inside serialize data without corrupting that data you can export without ever needing to touch your database or database manager you can pause and cancel migrations you’re able to exclude unnecessary data like spam comments finally you can save migration profiles to speed up future exports and Beyond this it makes the whole process faster and less are prone to get started with navigate to the plug-in section of the WordPress dashboard from which will be exporting refer to this as the source site and click add new then we’ll type migrate DB in the search box now will install and activate the plug-in what’s active will navigate to the wp migrate TV admin page from HeroClix them migrate tab now let’s export the database to do so will click export data

if you intend to import this database into a different site and you know the site URL and root file path of the destination site to site where you’ll be importing the data into those values under replace in the find and replace field area

if you don’t know you can get those details from the destination site by installing an activating the wp migrate tv plug-in on the destination site just as we did on the source side now click the migrate Tab and then click export database copy the fields under the find field and paste them into the replaced field on the store site now scroll to the bottom and click export database if you plan to do this export often feel free to save this profile we won’t be saving in our case and that’s it you know him a complete export of your WordPress site safe as a backup or ready to be imported into your destination site if you would like to see the process for importing as well check out this video above also linked in the description it WP migrate DB Pro plugin makes this process even easier the pro version enables you to push and pull databases between a

select which tables to migrate exclude post types migrate media libraries migrate theme and plug-in files and a whole lot more check out the pro version at delicious as always if you found this video useful hit that like button describe if you’re not already and we look forward to seeing you in the next one

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