Credits :wpdemo
hi in this video I’m going to show you how to downgrade your WordPress installation we’re going to use WP downgrade plugin

me to go to settings of the plug-in and let’s downgrade to Virgin 5.4 we can check with versions are available

in the spec Ice One


and now let’s go to downgrade

and you’re running downgraded version of WordPress can check the pages

thanks for watching

hi guys it’s Allison from collector in this video I’m just quickly going over to show you how you can download your WordPress Fusion to water the version you be using just a free plug-in without any coding technical knowledge on cpanel everything’s everything by .58 doesn’t matter. You don’t want this updated some kind of conflicting with her with your another plug inside your site is not working perfectly then you want to change it. Guess what you first need to do is go into play in going to add new

it will work for any WordPress update you you can search for VP down. This is a plug-in don’t do the computer free plug-in there is no cost involved at all once served under this is a plug-in you want make sure to install it

and make sure it’s activated

and you can see that’s been installed as you can access it by clicking on the settings from Europe or you can go in your and go into a VP downgrade two options is available you can see didn’t use the current version 5.5 you can see the showing this now what I need to do this weekend by the exact version number from the word press release if you click on this link it will open their presents for the current version is 5.5 / 5.5 can see this is the latest one but let’s say for example you can choose whatever the version is available from here in this case I’m just going to choose this particular version so since it shows that I need to only copied this not this value but this what is the version I want so once I copied that I come down here and I’ll base that value and make sure there is no Extra Spaces and everything that’s just your number

click on Save changes

and you can see I’m not from inactive now is switch to active and ensuring BP 5.42 is set as the dog at version and you can see even though I didn’t order to perform update or down there to please go to update now what you need to do is click on this link

I need the Lord open up the app that you can see if this latest version if you need to reinstall version 5.4 to you can do it from here to just put the song please.

I add 5.5 day old now I’m just now what does at the background is removing the 5.5 and up loading and installing deck while 5.42 motion guessing now from 5.5 my website has gone into 5.42 that is out easily you can do just downright I leave this link for your in your description if I going to the update section now you can see the version all these things you can see now it is automatically using the five point but if you want to update latest age are normally you’d are two things you can do either you can disable this flagging and updated normally or you can come over here and you can choose what are the version from the scene guess you can say I want to update it to 5.5% in like that then what you can do if you can copy paste and save it and you can do it entire process again using I hope this video

if you have any doubt open problems. Let me know in the comment and I will personally try to thank you and have a great day

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