keep an audit trail of every change that happens on your WordPress and WordPress multisite with the WP security audit log plug-in by keeping an audit log of all the changes that happen on your websites and blogs you ensure users productivity is the troubleshooting of any problems with in WordPress ensure your website needs mandatory Regulatory Compliance requirements identify suspicious behavior and for any possible malicious hacker attacks before they actually happen once you install the WEP security audit log WordPress plugin use the audit log viewer to view all the changes that are happening on your WordPress such as users login content publishing and changes plugins WordPress settings change has failed login attempts and much more for every change your action WP security audit log logs and record all the necessary details for example when a user updates the content of a public post in recordes the date and time of when they change took place the username and roll of the WordPress users that did the change

The Source IP address from where the user did the change and the title in your route of the post that was updated in a WordPress multisite installation WP security audit log also record the site where the action happen for example here we can see that the user Ruby with administrator won’t login to siteone and activated the theme 2014 in a WordPress multisite installation this super admin has access to all the logs of a website’s running on the network and can filter the audit Trail by using the sites drop down menu by default only WordPress administrators can access to WordPress security audit Trail but you can assign such privilege to other users in Ross you can also allow other users and roasted change the plug in settings thank you for watching for more information visit the plugins website on www.wp security audit log. Calm and don’t forget to keep a watchful eye on your WordPress

Credits :WPShout
all right so cumin

security recommendation the chill here is that you should always keep what people call an audit log you’ll hear different names for it but the ideas that you should try the one drink there is that if you know that everyone is doing only secure things that you aren’t worried about you don’t really need to do this if you’re the sole administrator of a site the speaker’s pretty useless but if you’re giving 18 different people the ability to add and remove plugins on your site something like WP security audit log is super useful

so I’ve just installed the plug-in and walk me through this wizard is a start configuring the plug-in I can set into

a bunch of things that say I’m a geek although if you aren’t you can go through as basic I’m going to tell it how I want logs to be retained I’m going to say six months which feels fine to me I typically would not need to look back further than that by default only the users with administrative role can access the activity log would you like to allow any other users to access it I’m not going to but that’s an interesting feature I can also exclude certain things that I don’t want word Preston walk either user a roller and IP in general if you’re installing something like this you should probably just track everything but if you ever need it to do that that’s good to know exist and then we’re all set great and so what’ll happen when once I’ve installed an auto unplugging like this

that I can actually come in and view the lock so there are no events so far so let’s go ahead and work on that I’ll go ahead and change some plug-ins around I’m going to update Guttenberg I am simultaneously going to deactivate a ninja forms

and that should give us a little bit of detail to see so if I come back to the viewer now we can see that I as the admin did that this really gets more interesting when you have other admins on your site or other users who you would want want to watch so now I’ve got this I just switched windows so I’m now on as David whereas before I was admin and if I come into plugins I can similarly let’s say I can turn now turn off Yost and I’ll come in and I’ll make a post

it’ll be called security risk I will publish that post and then we’ll go back and check out with the audit log shows

so if I reload this page is the admin I’m able to see that David published security risk that the custom pill called link was that tunnel on that post and the David also disabled yoast SEO so that’s an example of what you can do now the really important thing is that you actually go through and do it but I like that it actually kind of highlights the severity for you though I don’t know that I agree with the values that’s a really cool thing you can also turn on a bunch of upgrades into this plug-in like many word things in the WordPress ecosystem these days you have the ability to upgrade into paid version and I do like this little icon that he’s gotten where you have logged in users there’s an upgrade from the menu and you have a couple settings as well but the basic thing after you’ve walked through the wizard is exactly what you would need if some security person came to you instead of your company needs to have an audit log on or pressed tight so it’s pretty cool right

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