I’m going to scroll down and this is what I button looks like so that’s in the format of a short code and the short code is from a plug-in that we put in there I called Max buttons which is right here so again I’m going to press control quick to open a new tab
and here we are so short codes are right here and we want to make sure we’re editing the right one so this is number two
number to Emma quick at it
so this is the title of the the button but you can edit if you want to in this case are going to keep it the same this is the part that we want to edit this link so in order to do so we’re going to add that file to our media folder and to do that we hop over here to media and quick guide new again I’m pressing command or shift sick
we open it up and this is where we drag and drop her file so I’m going to do that I cristianos folder drag
and drop
running track and dropped into this area here
that blue one’s lighting up so it’s good to go
is that here too so we want to open that up
and this is your file you are all that you want there I just want to copy and paste it to copy command or shift C
and command V as in Victor and that’s our new URL string
from there
you want to click save
and that will give us our new updated resume
Review for Plugin Very Nice and attractive plugin
Buttons to the MAX! This plugin worked perfectly for my needs. There are many options, and all are easy to adjust.
I love your plugin I love this plugin
please can you add a lazy download feature in free version with count like 10 seconds before user can download ?
Wonderful plugin Great! My site couldnât work without it. The step by step instructions helped tremendously. Easy to use.
Perfect It’s perfect
Very useful plugins Helps a lot in customization
make big change in easy way and short time
funktioniert gut – auch für Anfänger auch für WP -Anfänger wie mich gab’s keine Probleme: einfach zu bedienende Einstellungen für Shortcut:
für mich genügend Einstellugnen um Buttons zu erstellen – auch inder Free- Version
Great Plugin Helped me fix some shortcomings of other button designs. It’s very easy to use once you do a couple of designs and get the hang of it.
Best plugin Thanks to developers!!!
Nice Plugin. I got exactly what i want