my name is Posey in this is doubly Pizza Hut’s the channel would I help you create beautiful WordPress websites if it’s your first time on the Channel please consider subscribing to the channel okay so what we going to do if you’re going to use my demonstration site where you can buy suits and I’m going to add a new section in there that allows people to purchase a fitting service updating so how do we do that relationship was the dashboard is coming to the products action on categories and inside they were going to create a new category which we going to call fitting service
so will take on a new category
we’re going to specify this is in the fitting Services category in some text the details the service itself will just use some simple seal attacks which goes down and we go to Florida today to itself and this is the important part of it you can see we can put a date that I’m weak what’s a product in our other options available we going to keep this as a simple product only needs to read basic information associated with that the most important aspect is a virtual check box so it becomes of virtual for a tablet doesn’t physically exist at the top you can see we got inventory shipping and someone once we choose virtual you see the shipping option disappeared because you can’t ship so we can go to the process of assigning any information we need to it so for example we can say that the service is 49
pounds dollars with a currency you work against inventory we going to leave the house as is over see if he wants to have some link products you can do up cells or cross sells you could do that. It needs to be so in advance with information too because not currently needed will disable your neighbor reviews on and we’ll leave everything as it is we’ll put a very brief description in of the actual service itself for the for the short description and finally we come to the Center for an image I will choose the receipt and she saves the service itself with this I need to be a service or anything that doesn’t need to be shift so if you do classes or courses you could sell those by this method to hit publish
what do tonight we’ll take a look at the actual product itself will you see there’s no actual shipping charge applied so just jump into a basket itself we can see there’s no product basket total no shipping options associated with this because it is a virtual Pro Exhaust O’Leary is to creating a service or product you don’t need to ship out a part of who, so like I said you can use this for services you could use his of course his classes and the tool that doesn’t need to be shipped or downloaded let me know why you didn’t enjoy it in the comments section below as always questions or feedback on this please help us in the comments section below and it so next time
if you say 42 per cent of them is built on WordPress website built and 14.7% are being watched by WordPress and indeed the most popular website builder
that’s not it
Woodman’s now brings you a customizable open source e-commerce platform woocommerce IV help you design besides from scratch to convert them as your start
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website analysis and optimization
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an exit with multi-vendor customization
JetPack big nono Requires JetPack. JetPack big doodoo.
made my site collaps this plugin made my website collaps luckily I had a backup
No, I don’t want to share all of my User Data with Jetpack No, I don’t want to share all of my User Data (emails, phone numbers, first and last names) with Jetpack
PLEASE FIX THE USPS SHIPPING!! This Plug-in was great, until they updated in on October 14th!
TOTALLY MESSED WITH THE SHIPPING OPTIONS! Customers can no longer see any shipping options for USPS (which is what I use) I’ve contacted support 3 times and NO RESPONSE how to fix this issue and its been a week!
Small business are losing customers every day from this, PLEASE PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP and respond to us!
I updated my review, as they did fix this issue.
Was great until it decided to no longer get USPS rates Have just seen another review with the same issue. This plugin no longer connects to get live rates from USPS so we can’t accept any orders! Customers just see a message that there are no shipping options for their locations. Please fix ASAP so I can back to a 5 star review for you. It has always worked perfectly in the past. I am guessing this is something that happened with the latest update. I just don’t understand why you didn’t alert your users and provide a fix asap?
Can’t even remove this piece of x Useless plugin, and now I can’t even remove it. I have tried numerous times, it just stays on my plugin list. Terrible.
Jetpack??? Why do I have to install this nonsense Jetpack plugin to use Woocommerce Tax?? No wonder why Shopify took over. Do you guys know how many plugins I have to install to make Woocommerce site works?
Useless for tax calculations As it states, it only works on new products added after the installation.
Well it also screws up all existing if you ever touch the settings for it after it once has been activated! Meaning, if you disable it for any reason and then enable it again, all products will not calculate any tax any more!!
What’s the point of the plugin if it doesn’t calculate on all products, no matter how old they are in the shop?
Doesn’t work without Jetpack installed OMG!
Why would you create a plugin that requires Jetpack to be installed on a website? Has anyone told these guys what a piece of junk Jetpack is?
Note for developer. Warn people that they need Jetpack, before they install your plugin.
Utter garbage!
Annoying Jetpack promo The annoying Jetpack promo takes a quarter of the screen and can’t be removed with the plugin.