hello and welcome to wpbeginner.com today you’ll learn how to install and setup W3 total cash for beginners if you want to keep your site healthy and fast than adding a cashing place again will help with this and I’ll show you how we use W3 total cash plug in to keep our site running smoothly you can do is get a baseline And by doing that you can go to Kingdom and Google page to see how your site is performing right now now that you have a baseline let’s install W3 total cash to speed it up improve server performance by catching every aspect of your sight and this helps to reduce slow times and speeds up your site that you want to make sure you only have one cash plug-in install if you have others then go ahead and remove them now

once you removed any others I’ve installed and activated W3 total cash and now I need to go into performance general settings and let’s take disc enhanced method this process reduces the server load and shows a cash copy of the page to the visitor the next item will cover is the browser cache every time a user visits recite their browser download all images all CSS files JavaScript and all of those other types of files into a temporary folder so in the user go to another page the next page loads much faster so we want to enable browser cache and click save all settings go to Performance browser cache page and we want a pretty much available all of these except a 404 error the next thing is TDN and you want to set this up to speed up the delivery of your static content for multiple Cloud servers rather than just one hosting service

recommend using maxcdn for this area next we’ll look at Minify file size and it’s not always a good idea to use so you want to check with your hosting provider to see if it’ll help with your sight the same thing goes for database cashing it reduces a server load by cashing SQL queries smaller sites might not need this so you might be better off leaving it as-is

I’ll check cashing will help if you have a highly Dynamic site however most sites are Dynamic so you can likely ignore this area once you have everything set up like you want if you want to you can back up your W3 total cash settings in exports and for safekeeping now your site should have some speed improvements and you can check with Kingdom to see if it’s faster hope you like this video and found it helpful to click on the like button below and leave us a comment if you want to receive more helpful videos don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel and check out wpbeginner.com for more useful information on WordPress

Credits :Alpha Hosting
hi I’m Josh Ward with Alpha hosting today we’re going to talk about cashing specifically how to install reddish and W3 total cash for your WordPress woocommerce website the first place we’ll go is your client portal has managed. Alpha hosting.com you’ll select the service you want installed rabbits War

been on the left hand side you’ll click the view controls button

and you get to the page you see now when you scroll down towards the bottom you’ll see the box for redis you’ll click install

once installed you’ll see the IP address and port number that redis is running on

once you have this information you’ll log into your WordPress site you go to plugins add new and search for W3 total cash now once that plug-in is installed you can go to settings

what I’m going to show you next is just some basic changes to the default settings and W3 total cash little allow that plug in to use the reddest service that we just installed is a very robust plug-in there are lots of things that you can do lots of options you want to be careful because the more custom and different your sight is from just a basic WordPress architecture the more likely it is that some of these cashing options may break your sight so always do this and development mode know that there’s going to be some trial and error and never hesitate to reach out to an expert or your support team at Alpha hosting for help

so the first thing we’re going to do on the general settings page is for your basic page cash we want to enable that and changed the method to redis going to scroll down to database cache we’re going to enable that and also change the method to redis

finally we’re going to go to object cash enable that and also select redis once done we’re going to click a save all settings button button and make sure that these changes took effect

that’s all for today’s video please like And subscribe to our YouTube channel follow us on social media and stay tuned for more updates from alpha hosting

Credits :HostGator
okay to recommend using W3 total cash to speed up the Speed and Performance of your WordPress power website in this video I’m going to show you how to install as well and how to remove it now keep in mind that we do not recommend using W3 total cash while using any other cash and plug-in inside of your WordPress website could cause activation issues as well as different types of patient with multiple plug-in of the same nature fighting each other over which one goes what

let’s go ahead and begin let’s go to the plug-in expression and click on add me

okay so next we’re going to click on the search plug-in text box and we’re going to type in a few key words you can type in the whole address but usually just typing W3 is enough to find it

enter on your keyboard when you’re ready to proceed as you can see the very first plug-in that shows up in a search result is WWE Total cash going to click the install now button

Patrick u s a plug-in is downloaded and installed into your work reconciliation at this point we can go ahead and activate the flooding

and we are ready to begin using it considering the plug in a little bit different going to go into our menu area for all the way to the bottom and look for the performance car

next time I go to the main dashboard

who do the various options for W3 total cash

okay please take a look at the general today

I’m going to be able to pay cash mode

well it’s going to enable their database

going to enable the object cast mode

if you have a speedy and you can always make you to go to the DMV chur the other thing we should look at it the Minify cash method make sure you have dip connector

and at this point we can click the off setting button

and then take care of all the recommended setting from HostGator naturally you can go in here and I’ll take the credit to your liking keep in mind that if you install WordPress using quick install the W3 total cash is already installed for you by default so all you have to do is go in there and beat the setting and you’re good to go

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