in this video you’ll learn how to switch between user accounts in WordPress this is Handy if you were working on something as an administrator and you want to see what subscribers are others see when they’re locked in and it’s an easy way to switch without having to log out and log back in as a different user this is especially useful if you’re creating a membership site or say a course on your website then this will come in really handy so the first thing you want to do is head over to your work best dashboard come here you want to go over to your plugins area and will quick add new we’re installing a particular plugin for this and what we want to search for is called user switching plug in this is the one we want to use so let’s go ahead and click install now you want to hang around until it’s finished installing so you can also click activate as well now it’s activated we can go down to users will click on all users from here you see all of the users that are signed up for your website and what you need to do is just go ahead and

hover over the user that you want to switch to like switch to and now you’re seeing what that user sees you see since I switched to a subscriber all of the information over here is gone and now I can see what my users are saying and they see has it all up here where we can switch back to our normal user account that’s a real quick and easy way to switch users without having to log back out and log back in on your WordPress dashboard did you learn something from today’s video is so subscribe to our YouTube channel and will send more helpful tips to help you manage your WordPress website and thanks for watching

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