the next one is a scheduled backup and that’s a a backup that was scheduled if you go to the settings you can schedule your backups and then auto updates is what this question is about and that’s a backup it has created before and auto update occurs know how do you know what triggered the backup I’ll show you how so for the manual back up if you going to view details
for more info click show
and then in this case
it says backup triggered by and then it’s the WordPress user Brad and them 75 309 so if it has an actual username the backup was triggered by an actual username annually selected to back up now a schedule back up if you click the view details for that back up again we’re going to hit show info and the backup is triggered by front so speaker on system that handles the automated back up so if it says cron then it is scheduled back up and the last one we’re going to look at is an automated update which is what this question pertaining to
do it again click Beauty tails and then next two more info I’ll quit show and hear back up triggered by auto update so
there’s various ways that a backup can be triggered but if you go into the view details and you click show the more information you can see what triggered the actual backup and if you have email notifications configure than this information will be in those emails as well so I hope this helps answer your question and if you have any more questions I’ll just let us know we’re more than happy to help thanks
if you don’t have an account you can sign up for one for free and check out the cloud WordPress
and from here you got a couple different options in this case I’m going to do WordPress only but basically what’s happening now is that I’m getting a new Cloud word WordPress being installed right now so it’s a blank WordPress site that I can do you know whatever testing that that I want to do with it there’s a lot of stuff that you can do with Cloud WordPress and this is one of the examples of showing how handy so it just installed a new Cloud WordPress and click login
just going to automatically log me into the WordPress dashboard like I said this is a brand new website and from here I’m going to go to plugins add new and I’m going to search for
the toilet keeps clogging
area total up to WordPress backup bucket so we’re going to install that plug in
and once it’s installed and we’re going to activate it
but in this case we now have a new WordPress site it has total upkeep and then you could just go to total up teeth and go to your backup archives and from here
you can either you can click upload back up and you can either you know she was filed upload one or you can upload one using a URL so that’s that’s pretty much it this one is self-explanatory uploading you got to download it to your computer first and then you can click upload but this other one right here just makes it easy to look for testing so I’m person that creates a backup and this is a this is a fresh WordPress site like I said so it’s going to go very quickly so it’s working through the database then all the files and like I said knew what WordPress site small so
if you go into your back up and you hit get download link
it’ll give you this URL right here you can copy it by just clicking copy link so the copy link and then you go into your WordPress you Cloud WordPress
quick upload back up and then you can paste in the URL here and that’s another way to upload it so I went to that pretty quickly let me know if you have any questions but again to answer your question how do I quickly or easily test a backup without messing with my current WordPress site just going to Cloud go to Bogard Central great a new Cloud WordPress and you can test your site that way so again I hope this help and if you have any questions after seeing this video comment and more than happy to help thanks again