hey guys what’s up today I’m going to show you how to get anti-spam for free this will work on both IOS and Android devices

first of all if you’re on iOS then go into settings then General and make sure background app refresh is turned on don’t worry about this if you’re on Android because there’s no option like this next open Safari on iOS or Chrome if you’re on Android and type in last-gen. Absol anti-spam and then press go

you’ll now be taken to a page like this all you have to do here is tap the download button and then press Start installation

now you’ll see a screen like this in order to get anti-spam for free you have to bypass code signing by downloading to free apps from this list and following the instructions fully for both of them I’ll start with cleanfox

while it’s downloading I’ll start the download for a second app which in this case will be coin master

so while we wait on coin Master to finish downloading I’ll open cleanfox were around 30 seconds did may not be the same instructions for your app so make sure you read what they say before you open it

now that it’s been running for about 30 seconds I’ll close it and follow the instructions for coin master we’re almost finished

and that’s everything once you follow these instructions you’ll see anti-spam on your homescreen I already had it before so it’s still there of course

thanks for watching everyone please be sure to like comment and subscribe if you enjoyed this video peace out

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