repeat this is one of the only plugins that enable you to combine photos from multiple Instagram accounts in a single feed it also gives you full control over your feeds appearance you can choose from multiple preset image sizes and manually configure the width height and number of photos in your feet we’ve actually already have done a video on it if you’re interested this plug-in is free with the premium version available number for spotlight social photo feeds you can display Post in a way that makes them look like any other image gallery on your side this can help cut down on your loading times and free up resources lets you customize every aspect of your feet using this plug-in you can connect multiple accounts to your site and display feeds either using short codes or through widgets this plug-in is free with a premium version available never five feed them social this tool you can share content from multiple social media platforms including Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube
course Instagram if you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all plug-in to integrate your social media profiles with your WordPress site this visit the only downside is that it doesn’t offer many customization options for your Feet’s this plug-in is free with the premium version available number 6 WP Zoom social feed widget as its name implies it relies entirely on widget to an evil you to share your Instagram post need access to multiple feed Styles then you can place the widget in any location your theme provides the plug in also comes with some basic customization options this plug-in is free finally number 7 social slider widget using this plug-in you can connect as many accounts as you want and display feeds using both widgets and short coats you can choose from seven different layouts to display your feeds including sliding galleries you can sort images by date popularity or randomly this plug-in is free with a premium version available and there you go
7 of the best Instagram plugins for WordPress if you enjoyed this video the me sure to give it a like & subscribe for more content with that said thanks for watching and we’ll catch you in the next one
No support and bugs in pro version as well I can’t believe that I wasted money on the pro level of this plugin and there is no support at all.
Yes – this plugin will allow you to pull your feeds and if you want a basic interface and don’t care about details, then it will do the job. But so will almost any other instagram plugin out there.
Here are the issues so far (using version 1.79)…
‘Slider Normal Template’ displays different navigation depending if you are using it inside a widget or as a shortcode from the widget. Whendisplayed in a Widget it uses Navigation Arrows The shortcode uses ‘Navigation Dots’ for each image and there is no way to change this in the setting unless you go into the CSS or PHP to make your own changes.
When using the Widget, it forces a default title even if you put an empty string.
When going from Free to Pro, then back to the Free version. Plugin no longer works (the files are named differently, so you get a missing file issue). For a work-around, you will have to delete the widget, delete references using the short code, then delete the plugin, and reinstall the one that is online.
In the pro version…
The description and screenshots for the Pro display options are misleading.
The ‘carousel’ option will cut your images rather than keep them in the instagram 1×1 ratio depending on the width and number of images. Thus it is too difficult to work with at different resolutions (phone, tablet, desktop, etc.) and you cannot choose image size. Thus not usable in its current state. You will have to modify the PHP/CSS.
In the ‘highlight’ option screenshot they present images nicely aligned.
This is not the case!
Images are not aligned correctly because a single images at the larger size is not the same height x width as two smaller images together (with their borders). Thus not usable in its current state.
Plus, there are bugs when you try to set the number of images. For example, if you display a grid that shows 9 images and you set the maximum number of images as 9 you will get an error.
It would be nice to be able to set the border thickness as well, but the bugs need to be fixed first.
Lastly, there is no support.
I have created support tickets and sent direct emails. There has been no response from the people that make this plugin. Extremely disappointed.
If you know PHP and CSS you can go in and tweak their plugin for your own personal use as it will give you a good starting point and the nav buttons are similar to the CSS of Slider Pro on GitHub. But don’t expect to be able to customize this when you get the Pro version. Each pro version option has been unusable for my – there are just too many layout issues and errors.
Good luck in what you choose.
Stopped working It just stopped working one day. Doesn’t work no matter how many times I delete or clear it. No idea how to fix it. Also there was no notification that it stopped working. BUt when it did it was nice so when its working 4 stars but now 1 star.
Malware This plugin messed up my site
Doesn’t work the block-option 1) In the feed searched by the tag got some inappropriate photos but the feature that blocks the photos by words in the description just doesn’t work (neither when I put the word from the hashtag from the undesirable photo nor if I put any word from the description)
2) no way to style the photos (give the overlay color, or at least make borders for each photo)
Stopped working Error validating access token: Session has expired on Sunday, 27-Sep-20 13:03:26 PDT. The current time is Friday, 09-Oct-20 01:20:27 PDT.
Hadnt had this long, and had moved from another pluggin which started doing the same. Deleting and starting again doesn’t seem to fix anything either.
SPYTOOL! This bloody plugin wants to get access to social media accounts – regardles if you pay or not. NICE TRY!
Works great! No issues
This Plugin Messed Up My Website! Hello, i have installed this plugin (Social Slider Widget) & since then it has messed up my website footer & changed its arrangements in an awkward way… even after i deactivated the plugin now my footer content is all gone & i cannot restore it!
Do you have any solution for that?
Simple and efficient Easy to configure and great functionality, the support is also very efficient.
An additional feature they could add is a display by location option, if possible
Sometimes they have errors but they fix it very quickly.
Compromised my site! This plugin is compromised. It infected my site and added admins to the backend.