show you this
all-in-one and address from here I hope you must be knowing how to do it you can just touch it says the name
medical decision I already downloaded and activities
get me to go to the section
and hearing it and you can see these are the auction items you can select from event person product software review article so you can do it while riding a sport so far is a Raichu you
you can see here and she’s all about
a circuit
and the article name is this
Atticus put in description
author name
Commissioner of Education
social diversity want to edit then do it otherwise it’s David I just click on update
what is gluten
kitchen lights brightness to 20% in jail to search your content
idiot more credibility to Google if you don’t want to make this this man manual version of this
and I will also share you the link of this plug-in in the discussion session
I hope now you will be able to sleep bye bye Auntie case
so for example on your blog post that are primarily articles so for example in the search results you’ll see something like an image and the author publisher etcetera and you’ll see this for things like recipes videos and various other
ideas so for example on the zika virus I went ahead and put the structure date in here and you can see the article name description author can change this of course be like publisher name and logo and the plug-in that I’ve installed automatically puts this at the bottom of the post so you won’t have to worry about that it is recommended by Google to have this in your post as well so
using the rich Snippets when you’re entering a post
will do this post here
right below where you enter the post and before the yoast SEO information you’ll want to configure your snap it so it’s basically just that those few pieces of information I just show you so we want to select that it is in the article you can also do the videos will do that when we upload your own YouTube videos if you have a person locally there an event locally that you want to put in there an item review like idshield etcetera but for the most part you’ll probably just be doing article you want to select the article image
and it was this one also when uploading images try to make them 300 pixels wide I believe that’s the whitest image that we show on the website and make sure that there’s a title in the text in description I went ahead and did that for all the images as well it can be the same thing but it needs to be something in there for those three pieces of information entered into that’s a Rich Smith article name to select this article title
short description the main idea of the post
the author
is there a public organization benefit store
and a logo so we’ll just like benefits towards logo into the post and you’re finished that’s all there is to it for the rich Snippets
please let me know if any questions