Credits :Joe Hackman
hi it’s Joe Hackman with those gone and today I’m going to be talking to you about a very important plug-in called quick page post Reader X and the ways that you can use this to solve some pretty common problems so I first learned about this plug-in when I was switching my business website over to WordPress and a lot of my existing links which was in June Le did not map well to the WordPress from links so what I did is I basically used the quick page post redirect plugin to redirect the content that was already indexed on Google two pages that were more appropriate

that were appropriate on the new site so basically just matched everything up and that avoids people hitting the 404 page on my site when they happen to search for something on Google so it really keeps me from losing my I guess you could say my SEO that I’ve already built and allows the search engines and everything else to get to my content

so how did this come about recently well recently I had a situation where I wanted to change a

permalink of one of my articles and I had actually gone to and I had sort of crowdsourced changing the title part of the article was actually hey I help me choose a child for this blog post and I will feature your comment so I said Kenny the title of my original article kids was can you come up with a better title Paul and I so what I did is I went through the whole process and I ended up picking the title for the article which ended up being a $2 communication solution well needless to say the

the permalink was now different so if anyone were to go to the old permalink it would 4:04 and they wouldn’t be able to see the post so any SEO that that posted bill would be gone so what I did is I installed the quick 301 redirect stool which is basically it’s a plug-in called

quick page post redirect

and use that to put in the old

part of the article title and basically added the new page

the entire permalink as the destination and this allows me to continue to have people access by the old link and the old bitly link that I created as well and still be able to change the actual title the actual permalink of the article as well so this just kind of a a tip to solve some some very common problems take a look at that actual plug in itself


it’s called quick page post redirect it’s a five-star when you search for it it’s one of very few WordPress plugins you’ll see that’s five stars so I hope you found this helpful in this might solve some problems for you if you want to learn more you want to see more I have a YouTube channel it’s just gone Social Hour you can also visit my block which is Jose going score of course my business website which is managed hope you found the cell phone and have a great day

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