hello I’m a damond welcome to drink a WordPress today we’re going to be talking about the q22 W3 yes I got that right q2w 3 fixed widget plug in this is a really cool plug-in I’ll go ahead and link to it I’m linked to my drink on Market or side you can see it going on I believe in both side bars in or at least one basically allows you to do is make it so that way your widgets float your side bars in which is blue with the scrolling and 41 is an affiliate marketer it’s pretty badass because you can have like an affiliate bad and right there you know I was reading all the stuff right instead of them reading a huge mess a 2,000 word long block post right and your ad is way up here and their way. It stays with him and I mean there is a whole bunch of other there’s a limited uses I mean I guess it kind of depends on the business and it’s the website all that you know what the most practical thing to stick in that side bars

but it’s badass an awesome and it’s really simple to use simply go into the widgets area and anyway that you had they’ll be able to check box that says make this a fixed widget or something to that extent it does mess up with a little some things and some plug-ins and there is some alternative shoot there’s some Legacy alternative you can find in the store anymore you have to actually search for the zip file and manually uploaded I’ve got the actual zip file myself buried somewhere I can’t even think of the name off top and when I find it I’ll go ahead and do a Plugin Review aisle with the bad so go and subscribe and you’ll see it eventually and then mobile is the other real big thing and there is a workaround there’s Dynamic there’s a dynamic would you plug in a pretty sure that’s the name of that I’m going to have to find that one too cuz that’s not someone and basically the issue is with

responsive design you know they have everything to where it lines up like this right see you at the Compton area then you have all the sidebar Collins and whatnot so the Q2 W3 will everyone so I’ll make the sidebar you know Hubbard on the main screen as it’s growing end the work around for that is to either just disable it with mobile or create a separate non-fixed mobile version that only displays on mobile and that will look like the normal

scrolling action on the responsive design so there are definitely some quirks this plug-in it’s not perfect but as far as I know and if you know a better way to get a fix widget are floating widget sticky would do whatever you want to call it I would love to know please use the YouTube comment box below if you listen to the podcast go to drink a wordpress.com you find the YouTube video please comment there I would really love to hear your techniques for doing this this is the best I found on this and that alternative I’m sorry I do not have a name for it but it’s an awesome plug-in I definitely if you dabble around with WordPress I definitely suggest finding a downloading it and just checking it out and see if some idea of what it does and maybe some projects in the future you have a better use for it great plug-in if you’re looking for a word for specialist in the new area holler at web services management of Durango they’re badass ideas specialist WordPress pain specialist in JavaScript Cruise until next episode on 8 a.m.

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