okay over here we have a block by the greenhouse guy Steve also has greenhouses that he sells and they’re pretty cool greenhouses and fell out the information as to what to do with Greenhouse when you have it and how you can use it to make money with over here on his blog and what we’re doing is we’re going to go ahead and create a link right here that will link to Steve’s Greenhouse
here we are in the dashboard and under plug-in and we’re going to click on add me
search for page linked to the name of the pug in here were using
Okay go ahead music
where can I create a page here and this page is going to be at new and it’s going to Steve’s Greenhouse
okay at new page and we’re adding to these greenhouses and then we’re going to go over and cut and paste in the URL of where we want to go to see screen houses and I am copying what is the top to URL addresses his website
and then over to the page I’m scrolling down here page links to
pesadilla en click this button to open up in a new window different website and hit Publix
you can now see Steve greenhouses Sean ride up here and so whatever page his readers are at their be easily go to his Greenhouse page and you click on it and it takes him to his Greenhouse out anyway so if you looking for a good dream house that you could place the makes it really easy to go click over there and and pick one up anyway a page thanks to its liking you looking for and it’s easy to you have fun with it IDK as well WordPress 101 for Boomers
it takes me two here and that’s great and everything’s good to go but the only way I can access any of my assignments whether the unit overview or anyting is through the links that are embedded within the text
hey I cannot
access them down here like I’m hoping to also I’m trying to find out how to put things that Exist Elsewhere in science 24 like on a different page here in the table of contents
go back 44 seconds so
look on the unit assignment on leave the bread crumbs up here so you can see this
Pop Shop unit assignment 2 chemistry assignment it looks great
I’m unable to
find out where this assignment is actually on the site so I can modify the cutoff date or the start date so that’s one issue but also I can’t find out how to put this back in the table contents
the weird thing is on the navigation to it appears here but only when I’m on this exact page if I were to hit back now
scroll down
it doesn’t appear there at all it’s gone it’s it’s invisible or not seem so I’m not sure if there’s a setting or some way to allow these four pages here and all the assignments in the units to become visible but I imagine it’s probably
one setting somewhere that is able to fix all this stuff because if I can make it visible for myself I can modify the cut-off dates and start dates next so that’ll fix Smith
but if I can find out how to put these four
and any of my unit assignments
on the main page not just buried in the texture that would be a lot better at making a lot more organized and I think students will have a hard time saying oh I didn’t see that assignment masturbate
I miss first video we are going to add a link to the menu using the create blank shortcut found in the widget interactions palette
the first most basic interaction is linking let’s make out menu work there’s a shortcut method for adding links so we’ll cover that first
first we ought to customize a page names and add some heading to my pages so we know which Pages Williston
where can I scrape some generic product page name to start with as much as possible I’m going to create a generic object where possible because I’m designing for reuse
Spanx Pacific is often not efficient if we create a generic product B slideshow for example we can reuse this for all product-based why frame but if we make a specific book for slideshow and we come back later wanting to reuse it we have to strip this object back for a week and repurposed adding specific product detail can come later as we add High Fidelity to the design
you can simply right click to rename a page or do the slow double click after the same
in order to update Salman you will open our menu Monster by double-clicking it
we want these items to reflect our page names or titles just click and type
let’s select product one in the menu and click on interactions in the widget interactions plane you’ll see a shortcut to create a link which will introduce first
we guess it’s all of which allows you to select your existing Pages select the product one page
first it’s important to notice that sounds shortcut method has created a case under the arm click events
noticed a high Lot number pays against al menu item
this number shows us there is more to this objective first make the eye as you add detail to subsequent objects but the number is incremented so we have a unique reference for eighth of jecht in the page
this number system is the backbone of the documentation process more on this later
It should be for pages too and not only for posts I want for page too not only for page, it is useless.
Well crafted Pleasant user experience and works as expected. The code is easy to follow and reason about. ð
Exactly what I needed Great little plugin. Option to go to external link or page, option to open in new tab. Works perfectly with a Beaver Beaver post grid module so the post title and featured image link properly.
Doing fun stuff with ACF and Page Links To I’m really happy I found this plugin.
I have several CPT’s that don’t have a single template, or sometimes have an external or file link instead of a single page. Overwriting the custom field “_links_to” with ACF URL and file fields has opened up a lot of possibilities.
Thank you!
Very easy to use I tried two other redirect plugins before finding this one which got the job done, easily! I was able to redirect every page, including the home pages without issue. Highly recommend. Nice 301 redirect.
Great plugin, very useful and very helpful to me. i highly recommend Great plugin, very useful and very helpful to me. i highly recommend
Very focused solution Thanks for building and support this plugin through the years. It is something i use on tons of client sites. Very intuitive and easy to use. Props for keeping it focused and lean.
Quick, easy, free It’s like pouring river water in your socks. It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free. Love it.
Thanks for the useful plugin. He does exactly what he has to do.
Perfect! I’d give this 6 stars if I could. All I wanted to do was on-the-fly make a page with no link. This lets me insert the link javascript:void(); with no problem. I know I can add a menu item with no URL to act as link to subpages, but I’m using the Nested Pages plugin, which doesn’t have that option in the menu it creates.
Many thanks for a simple, useful plugin.