but that’s too much water isn’t it then why you be have water problems all around
well because ocean water is salty and not safe to drink the oceans of the world are the Arctic Atlantic Pacific Indian and fantastic ocean the Pacific Ocean is the largest and covers around 30% of the Earth’s surface
the sea is found where the land meets the ocean it is smaller than the ocean and it’s actually a part of it
just like how the Mediterranean Sea is a part of the Atlantic Ocean it also has the most confusing spelling
River a river is a strip of water that flows through many places it begins in mountains or Hills with melted snow and rain water gets collected the beginning of a river is called the source and the end is known as the mouth
and there’s some good news for you reverse contain fresh water well my freshwater I mean water that is suitable for you to drink
Google Nile is the world’s longest river which passes through 7 countries Egypt being one of them
Lake a lake is a large area of water surrounded by Land O Lakes are formed when water Finds Its way into a basin it could be to rain or underground water
it will be quite sad for you to know that links need a continuous source of new water otherwise they tend to dry up
there you go, so it’s not always bad when a big bug meet you up scratches on the Earth’s surface
the Dead Sea is not the sea but I think the reason why it’s called dead because it contains high amount of salt water and no living thing can survive in it so let me enjoy my map it’s time for me to zoom out to June it takes time for some more fun facts
HD image some information that review that’s it but if I go to the back end and I go to plugins and I go for a new
then I can search over here for product sharing ocean WP
and there it is install now
I get to activate
I’m not sure but I think you need the ocean up your Beating For This is it’s a notion of your be plug in and if I go to the shop page
scroll down
and I see people can share this if I could customize
I scroll down
and here is brother cheering so I scroll down also over here I can change the order
Darcy has changed she recovers when you have her over it and we can change the few things over here I can change the Border
I want to
I can change the icon background color
and the icons I think I’m publish
and I close it
and I really like this one hour over with your sales you to call us a disclaimer this plug-in does only work when you have the free ocean WP theme active in your website thank you for watching this video I hope you learn the time. Have a great day feel free to like this video And subscribe for more alkaline videos and then he will see me the next time bye bye