just click the box and then you can insert as many columns as you like but put five columns in and we’re going to make it five rows you’ve got padding and sell spicing and board as an alarm and all sorts of other things like I pulled a let’s put one would you put the laundry and everything and you can go into the advanced settings and you can obviously change that so you know there’s some more technical card that you need to worry about it he said that you can do things lot border color you know you might want to change the color and we’ll make it I cry so we’ll just select the
Crye-Leike side and hit a fly and then will it answer and then when I said I do and said it like saw you just need to click on the box to make it bigger
and then I’ll be so you can rock content in there now if so if you wanted a friend since Mike the top black you can highlight it all and there’s a button here that type of Roi properties so you can say okay let’s make that whole right we want to make that black instead
and he got tight
I don’t like the whole lot black and you can also just play around with a few other sitting so it seems and he a lot you can look at the properties you can instead rise above Below in the middle you can delete excetera excetera and you can also emerge so let’s just say whether we can merge that top column and we can just like say and then obviously we rock containing there like normal
which we can actually say sorry I need to change the text color on my cat w
and I just kind of gives you an understanding for always say you know if you need to edit that particular really like you need to improve the spicy you just going to the title Roy and you could go into 30 km we going to have Santa and the alignment will be left and you can even give it a heart in the hot will be in pixel so you would say for instance an average phone to is about twelve or fourteen see you might say I was making icing and just say whether that updates okay so I haven’t made it that much biggest let’s just have a look again
I’m a guy might get 24
and that’s my little bit bigger so you can drive that out a bit as well so you can just keep knocking around with the settings says something like an even bigger again
hopefully this will double for t.i. and that’s how you can say it it becomes a lot bigger so that’s how you can basically use the plug-in cold and say table buttons to marker and one of them saying I should point out as it’s often difficult to Delight as you can say I’m struggling to highlight the Hall of Fame if you donated the latest I’ll let you switch to the text scroll to the bottom
and then just too late
guy back and then you can raise that your title again so I thought was useful and mo videos please jump on the Florence ride. Com