I’m looking for an easy way to add a mega menu to your WordPress website will keep watching in this video I’ll walk you through step-by-step how to add a mega menu to your site in WordPress websites that have a lot of content that they want to share usually use a mega minion this is Starbucks and you see they have a mega menu which is an easy way to pull in all this useful information it makes it easy for the user to find to get something like this on your website let’s head over to our Workforce dashboard dashboard let’s go to are plugins area add new because we’ll be installing a new plug-in called Max Mega menu this is the one we want so let’s click install now

what’s a consult you want to make sure that you go ahead and activate it as well

what does activated you see it here you’ll see a new menu item over here so will click on that when we will take us to our general settings where we can set it up the general settings will work for most people so you can click save changes here the one thing that will want to do though is go to menu themes and will want to click on the menu bar and we will want to change the color scheme here to match our themes color scheme in order to find out the background color that your theme is using simply head over to your website and on the menu area right click summer rather go down to inspect to inspect the color scheme

over here you see different areas we’re looking probably from a navigation for my thing

I’m looking for background color my background color is transparent yours maybe another hex color scheme

they just want to grab that information

copy it go back to our

mini themes area menu bar

and for the many background simply add that information you see I can put that here that’s for my transparent and you can put in the color that years is unsweetened scroll all the way down and make sure we save our changes you see that the changes have been saved here so now what we can do is we’ll go to our appearance menu area and if this is an expanded you want to go ahead and expand that area cuz we want to click enable or our make a menu and then we want to come over here and have her over it until we see

do you make a menu button just click on that and it opens up this area from this you can choose how you want the mega menu to display and these are the choices over here you can also choose a widget to add just to show you what it looks like a lad a gallery from here we can also choose pages and if you need to edit the widget area just click on the little toolbar here so that you can choose fransens how to do the gallery here we can just pick the images that we want

create the gallery

click insert and now this has a gallery here

save that

and now we can close that now we can do the same with Pages choose what pages we want to add to pick how you want to sort them will go by Page title for this quick safe I can close that out as well

and for this menu I’m done so we can close this out

save menu

and now we can go to a site to see it in action and on your site you can see that we have the gallery and the post down here obviously you want to work on it to make it look exactly like you want but this is how you had a mega menu to WordPress website did you learn something from today’s video If so subscribe to our YouTube channel and will send more helpful tips to help you manage your WordPress website and thanks for watching

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