Credits :Mailgun
hey guys this is Thomas over a million and I’m super excited to walk you through the new mail can control panel I show you some new features and get you accustomed to the new interface first things first we bad performance task the dashboard so you now have you any trouble spots with three emails you’re probably pretty used to staying over you before all our graphs feel noticed you have the ability to switch between a line graph and a bar graph

when you scroll down a bit you’ll also see our new quick for you so you can access your logs and a latex and other commonly used features with just one click this also gives you great overview of your recent email about additions as well

from the area of the messages section

this is where you’ll find sending to your emails of house

with this domain lists you now have the ability to start your demands your primary demand will show up at the top of your list this will specially help if you have thousands of two means you can also quickly see which region your demands located in so you don’t have to go back and forth between the are you view and our us view anymore

what you put in your domain you’re interested and you’ll find a lot of these menu items you might have been used to in the old u i

you can go into logs and analytics we’ve updated analytics give you more overall performance stats for demand

we’ll have some new exciting features such as templates

he can create a new email template we have some to follow one’s already available for you

a senior HTML

previewing and you can save it for future use

then you just call the template ID when you send

if you go into your domain settings you can grab your SMTP credentials

in the messages section you’ll also find your dedicated eyed peas and your mailing list these are pretty familiar to

within the routes you can create rules for how you want to handle incoming messages be your existing routes in the US and EU or create a new one

now it’s hundred validation section we don’t have the ability to both validate a list which were all really excited about all you have to do is click the Bold belly button will be prompted to choose a CSV file to upload and we validate that list on the spot those results will be available to you here and you can download a CSV with all the results for each email address on your list

as before you can test out validations with a single email address and you can view your validations history down below

Britney of you that are using our validations API we have released a new version of the API you can find all that information in our docks we definitely recommend switching over as it gives you results of precisely which emails are deliverable and which aren’t as well as risk or associated with every email address plus it’s crazy fast

sport has moved from up top to the side

and finally your account settings are right over here with links to your API Keys your user management area and your billing information you can also access support up at the top and you’ll see some familiar settings options when you click your profile

I really hope this is helpful if you have any other ideas that would make your life easier click on the feedback link it would be happy to hear from you happy sending

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