or user roles in offers five different types of locking her ex and besides letting you send specific users or user roles to a different page knows what they will do to set redirect rules for different user levels you can fill in the URL and logout you are all boxes with the page where elf that users can see first there is also an add new button under each section I need you to create new rules password protect WordPress Pro provides one of the best solution to protect your entire website not only can you secure your whole site content with multiple passwords we were also able to assign a redirect page or post for each password when users enter a specific password and unlock your WordPress website will be immediately redirected to a certain peed corresponding with that password for example if Professor is providing learning materials for students on his private website students
class are able to access eat different document instead of creating accounts and user roles for each student which takes a lot of time he can protect the entire site with multiple passwords and said he redirected URL for each password once students enter the correct password they will be Auto redirected to a certain page this plug-in comes in handy to reduce the login process you don’t have to create a lot of rules and account for your users they don’t need to enter both emails or usernames and passwords whenever attempting to access your site there you go over to read options for enabling a redirect for users after they log in on your WordPress site if you enjoy this video then be sure to give it a like & subscribe for more content with that said thanks for watching and we’ll catch you in the next one
Consistently reliable I’ve used this plugin on a wide variety of sites with a range of other plugin configurations and it does what it says it will, without conflicts. Great plugin, super helpful for so many applications.
Great, simple solution Was just what I needed for a project I was working on. Recommended!
Great support Easy to use.
Great Tool for WP Developers Very useful for redirecting site previews while in development.
Great simple solution Great simple solution if you don’t want a bloated plugin.
Consistent and Stable been using this plugin for years it hasn’t disappointed.
Best And Best Great and simple plugin!
Thanks for LoginWP
Great stuff! All good
Nice tool Nice and easy to manage/implement tool for a clean login and perfect redirect.
For Woocommerce: the shopmanager is now directly pointed to the orderpage.
Fast plugin with no hassle.
Thanks As a developer for non-profit websites, I really appreciate high quality plugins that are made available as an offering! This one just keeps working well.