the free version available for download many non-cash features that can help speed up your WordPress coming or only available in the premium version WP Frances cash only provides a very limited features I know you give that access to the other features by its premium plug-in redundant website content including trash comment and discarded Ross can be optimized to help keep the faucet and running WP ponce’s cash does not offer to speech to buy it’s free version with the free version of the wp optimize bugging you can even find them full mature images all you have to do with that if you do preferred settings for a safe is Cash does not have other options WP optimize office at WP Foster cash does not include which of the following HTML
FIFA JavaScript convert Whitby database clean up Google fun and Lady load we encourage users to use both WP optimize and evaluate the relative performance a while but this in turn can help you improve your ncos pool chemicals leaves behind a Google ranking
with your Optimum account created in your API key ready to go your ready to install the optimal plug-in plugin to your WordPress site and in the dashboard hover your mouse over the plugins menu and click add on the next page use the search bar at the top right to search for optimal and you’ll see it show up right away click the install now button and wait just a moment for the installation to complete and then you can click the activate button on the welcome page click this button here so you can enter your API key and on the next Green paste your API key into this field and then press connect to Optimum service Optimum is going to set itself up for compatibility with their site and then began optimizing all of the images you’ve already uploaded to your media library when it’s finished you’ll see the screen and now whenever you upload a new image to your site Optimum optimize it automatically for you
if you have hundreds or thousands of images in your media library it may take a while for the initial optimization to complete but you can always login to your dashboard on the optimum website see if you your savings and performance the reason I like Optimal so much is because the performance Improvement is great and there’s nothing you need to do besides activated this took what about 2 minutes and if you’ve never optimized to images your site is now going to load so much faster before you go there’s just one tip I want to share with you in the optimal menu click in the settings tab and then open the advanced options in the image quality setting down here I recommend you lower the quality from high down to medium this is going to make your image of smaller and help you side load even faster and unless you’re a photographer and image quality is extremely important to the slight loss and quality is not going to be a big deal it’s more important that you speed up your sight so it loads faster and with the medium setting you can expect your images
be about 65% smaller than before they were optimized as for the low quality setting I think it’s noticeable enough that it might cheapen the look of your sight but run some tests of your own and see what you think well after moles of pretty simple plug in there are quite a few more options in the settings and I cover each of them in full detail in my complete optimal tutorial so make sure to watch that next if you’d like help optimizing your settings that’s all I’ve got for you in this video but if you want more tutorials to improve your WordPress site make sure to subscribe and click the like button if this video helped you out as always Post in the comments section below if you need more instruction and thanks so much for watch