Credits :Mike Dane
hey welcome to draft Jeremy my name is Mike and this tutorial I want to talk to you about using iframes in HTML and I frame is an HTML element that’s actually able to display another website inside of your web page so you can effectively in bed an entirely different website inside of your own web page which is pretty cool so you can create an iframe tag pretty much anywhere in your sight and it’s just I frame like that and we need to pass this one attribute which is a source and this is going to be like the website that you want in bed so in my case why don’t we just do the drop Academy website

and then I can close off this iframe tag

and you’re also going to need a closing iframe tags you’re going to need one over here

now inside of his eye frame tags you can put some text in this is text it’s going to get displayed if the user that’s on your website can’t view iframe so maybe they’re browser just like doesn’t support iframes or maybe they you know I have some option toggled where it doesn’t view iframes basically this code would be displayed to them if they can’t view it so now and I head over here I can refresh this page in order to stay inside this little window in the draft Academy homepage is displaying but it’s like super small so if you want you can come down here and we can resize these I frame so I can give this a without rebuke and we’ll just make it a thousand and I can also give it a height attribute

and we can make this like 800

so now that I frame should display a lot bigger right now I can see the whole website is this website is literally embedded inside of my website so I can go to all the different pages of the website it works just like a normal website would but it’s inside of our website or so if you look here on this I frame you can see there’s like a little border around here it’s like this little Graybar tell her to see if you want to get rid of that there’s another Ashby we can pass and we can just say

frame border is equal to 0 and now this will get rid of that little border so the eye frame will just be like even more embedded inside of the website you can pretty much use an iframe for any website but one thing that a lot of websites will do a lot of like big website says will prevent other websites from using their website that I frame so like if I tried to make this I frame for like Amazon for example

then when I refreshed the page and see that nothing shows up right I’m not able to use Amazon as an iframe and up because they have some setting toggled where they don’t allow their website to be used as an iframe timer for good reason I mean one of the problems or one of the dangers of eye frames is that someone else’s website could pose as another person’s website so I can create a website and just have an iframe of Amazon’s website in my website and I could trick people into going to my website and they would just think it’s Amazon ric2 be like on Amazon this is cool mean while they’re on my website and I could like take their data or you know do something malicious to them so that’s one reason why people wouldn’t want to have iframes and it kind of makes sense but in my case like for in traffic like I have no problem letting people die for him. So it’s available to me the basics of eye frames like I said you can resize them you can move them around and they can be a really useful feature in your website

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