go to going to have to in order to create a new website you’ll go to admin and you’ll click this button new account so you go to your log into your website your dashboard on your website and go to plug in and hit add new
and Alyssa cater
do analytic cater
go ahead and click install now
activate login
and that should be up and running so then you go to setting Google Analytics
your Google analytics account locked
can you take this code and copy it
Mabel it
select the proper account new ID
track all logged in WordPress users
no love this feature about alligator because that means that whenever I visit my own site and does not record me
bison log out
and user roles do not track so far I don’t have administrative jobs in my back office so we’ll just leave it at that
we are done I don’t think they need to worry about any of this other stuff
at least I don’t
same changes
and you are good to go your Google and a little cater account is now and you are ready
and see
see where your visitors are coming from either finding you and so forth really simple to do you should definitely definitely do this right away immediately maybe even before you post your first post it’s so crucial video email me or contact me with any questions
A must for all WP installations! If you are using Google Analytics this is a “Must Have” plug-in, it adds the basic code plus lots of very useful tracking extras. (including outbound link tacking that doesn’t come by default on Google’s code)
Thumbs up!
no good bad Support Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app
This app has not yet been verified by Google in order to use Google Sign in.
Authenticate with Google The subject line is the only info that is send but no instructions how to authenticate.
I searched for an hour but couldn’t find the answer.
I guess it’s me but I am not sure.
Look forward to a solution to have it enabled.
Does not work anymore This is the error message I get: Google_AuthException thrown
Error refreshing the OAuth2 token, message: ‘{ “error” : “invalid_grant”, “error_description” : “Bad Request” }’
Great Plugin I had no problems with this plugin.
It gives the most important info, very easy, to use.
Very easy It does exactly what is says. Did not have any issues with it at all. It is very useful since I do not have to sign into analytics account. I can see right right from the dashboard of the backend of wordpress. Thanks to the developers 🙂
Doesn’t work Seems to add tracking code, but the dashboard just shows an error
No longer works Had to disable it it broke several areas in admin including customise and widgets
Broken, unsupported Activating this prevents you from seeing or editing your widgets in admin view
No longer works and no longer supported Unfortunately this plugin no longer works. The plugin settings page doesn’t display properly and it also breaks the Customizer (i.e. You can’t access the Customizer if the plugin is activated). It’s been over 9 months since any support ticket was answered or the plugin was updated.