Credits :SlickRemix
thank you for your slick remix plug-in purchase you will need the feed them social premium version or the combined streams version as the free version does not contain this option you will also be required to have a Facebook business page and have administrative privileges have that business page link to your Instagram business account first thing we want to do is make sure your Instagram account is linked to our Facebook business account you can do this by going to the settings

Instagram and just double-checking if your account is linked or not if your account is not linked you’ll need to link them then we’ll head over to our WordPress dashboard go to the feed them Tab and the Instagram options

for the Instagram hashtags feed you only need to go to the Facebook button

click it and follow the prompts

once you’ve gone through the prompts you’ll be taken back to your WordPress dashboard there you’ll see your account Pages click on the box of the account you wish to display and click the green save button then click the settings page shortcut

what’s on the settings page select Instagram feed from the drop-down menu then choose the hashtag feed from the feed type

now in entering a hashtag you do not need to add a pound symbol for hashtag simply add the hashtag name itself we will enter Big Bolt media

in the parameters you can display recent Media or top media

you can also set the number of pictures to whatever you’d like there are a host of other parameters to go through

once you’re finished configuring your parameters click the green generate shortcode button copy and paste a short code to the page on which you wish to display click the update button

here’s our hashtags woohoo

now if the hashtags feed hasn’t generated immediately you will need to clear your cache a by going to the feed them social tab clear cache

once you clear the cache a it will reload

we are very happy to have the Instagram hashtags option back again thanks for watching

Credits :SlickRemix
hey slick remix years and future slick remixers I want to show you just how easy it is to create a social feed on your WordPress website using our simple plugin

first you are going to install and activate the plug-in go to the feed them Tab and click the settings page Sub menu item select Which social network it is you want to create a feed for in this preview I’m going to show you how to create the most popular feed which would be a Facebook page feed

copy only your page name from the end of the URL when you are looking at your Facebook page added to the option field on the settings page

now generates your code

now just copy the short code onto the page you would like to display the feed on you may also copy the shore code into a text would you if you would like to display it in a widget area

that’s it

it’s that easy

we do have an options page for each social network that helps customize the look of each feed

to show you a real world example of feed them social being used will look at the band good grace website

they’ve created a new page on their website and only have to update their Instagram while on tour

after they post an Instagram the feed them social Instagram feed they used will automatically keep anyone checking their website up-to-date with all of the freshest news without any band members ever having to log into the WordPress install this cuts out one thing they have to worry about or manage in their daily lives

it’s time to make your life a little bit easier just install feed them social and see for yourself be sure to share this video with anyone you know who may be interested in using a social feed on their WordPress website we’re sure they will be glad you did it

as with any slick remix product if you have any questions feel free to contact us using our support for him at slick forward slash support forum

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