in this tutorial I’m going to show you how to use the fancybox plugin for WordPress so let’s get started just go to plugins

and click on add new

I’m going to search for fancy box for WordPress now you only want to search for this one there are other fancybox plugins this is the best one so just search for fancy box for WordPress

and you’ll know it’s the right one because it was made by Jose Padilla

go ahead and click install

and we’re going to install this

Kate let’s activate the plugin

so the plug is activated so now all we need to do is go to a either a post or a page just going to add a new post

Nokomis fancy box test

and now I just need to add some photos so I’m going to select some photos from my desktop

and WordPress uploads these and resize them based on the values that you sent on your theme excuse me on your settings page so we’ll just go ahead and click save settings in order for your images to use the fancy box plug-in you need to select image file

and I’m just going to leave my images organized by menu order and I’m going to put them in a three-column grid please click insert Gallery publish this

now we can do the post

and here we go so now we have a fancy box gallery

you can control the settings on the fancy box settings page that’s located in settings underneath the fancy box for WordPress

I usually like to set my overlay options 20 that’s just black and then I set the opacity of black 2.7 that allows the effect you see here just darkens the screen a little bit and allows the user to really focus on your photos

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