tells me it’s in my car I cannot go if you might call and then I come to the checkout
where can I went to my dad’s house so a couple of extra hops in there that you’re the user has to go through the client has to go through let’s see if we can speed that up a little bit go back to the shop and I am going to just empty this call so it’s starting fresh okay if we hope we’re not going to woocommerce Once upon his installed you’ll see this entry in the menu over here just click on that very simple in the face these first two boxes provide functionality around reading by Boston I’m not going to cover that today there’s a link to another video that talks about the features and functionality that you get with those forever and since we’re going to do something pretty simple we’re just going to enable this feature enables skip colorful products and as the text says this will send Oprah. So I can do the checkouts get become so we’re just going to save those changes
I was going to be like my page I’m so just like I use it would be coming in and let’s go through the same process now so now when I click had to call
you come directly to the checkout can you credit card out make the purchase in a while you go I’m so pretty nifty and simple little plug-in I’m not right for what stores buy baby right fuel still if you got any questions contact down below and we hope this helps you with your sales thank you