am I going to do
Michael Tierney Coronavirus
makhandi you got me into this
Alyssa. Hi Sonia
I thought so myself.
please note this isn’t to be confused by your side mat which gives an overview of your pages you something that can be found in your dashboard your pastry is simply fit copying moving or deleting your pages
if you’d like to delete a page simply click delete page the other way to delete pages is to navigate to your dashboard go to site map click on the page and click the lady be careful here once you delete a page it can be recovered
let’s say you want to move your page from being a sub page of your contact page to a sub page of your about us page first navigate to the page you’d like to move and intuitive mode
on your page tree simply click on the page you’d like to move on.
If you don’t want to move your page to a sub page just click on home a dialog box will come up where you can easily move your page if you eat a live site it’s a good idea to check the box that says save old page pie this means that the web address or URL if the page remained the same so switch engines 1/2 Tree in Dixit
to copy a page within page tree just click on to Williams like the page copy to there are two ways you can copy of page the first is creating an alias an alias is basically a copy of your page but when you update the original page your Alias page will change as well this isn’t recommended for most people the second way is creating a direct coffee you can then it it both Pages as you need to you can order the coffee just the page or the page and all the sub menus beneath it just like before within page tree simply click on the page where you want your page to be copied to
if you don’t want to copy an entire page you just want to copy elements of it you can copy a block to your scrapbook and paste it anyway you’d like