what press
the website
go to the dashboard
go to claudine’s Pecan Avenue
search for cats
install now
and please don’t activate plugin
then go to
iPhone widgets
pecan category post
where do you want
category post to be
just write cyber
add widget
now go to post
I’m sorry
go to appearance
click on the right side where you have your category cost
who’s the title
I’ll choose
you can write whatever you want
choose the category that you want to up so I can hear my story My Life
you can choose whatever you want and just go to the exercise and choose whatever you want sand
let’s go to the word search site visit site
may I have it
click on lights
thank you
and here let’s click add to menu
and now you see them here you see that it’s even that category we can expand this and from here you can change the navigation label and what it will say up on your menu
when you had everything on your menu that you want clicksafe menu
now when you go to your website you see the new category menu items know if you want to only show specific most recent posts then we’ll need to do something a little bit different so let’s head back over to our WordPress dashboard and we need to go to are plugins at new
looking for recent post widget extended plug-in this is the one we want so let’s go ahead and install that
and once it’s installed let’s go ahead and activate it now that it’s activated back over to her which is area
let’s remove the old categories widget
I’m looking for the recent post extended I’m going to left click drag this up to my sidebar
make my screen a little smaller so you can see all of the items
from here you can do the most recent posts you can feel all of this out and you want to click on posts are different ways that you can order Buy
and here’s the limit by category so there’s are the categories that you want to limit it to there’s a category we’ve been working with
and now we can click save
I will head over to our site to see what it looks like
and you say there are the most recent 5 and the edge case category and now I have most recent post for my website did you learn something from today’s video is so subscribe to our YouTube channel and Wilson more helpful tips to help you manage your WordPress website and thanks for watching