WordPress bundle Blogger Importer
Rated 4.44 out of 5 based on 9 customer ratings
(10 customer reviews)
Imports posts, images, comments, and categories (blogger tags) from a Blogger blog then migrates authors to WordPress users.
- LIFETIME ACCESS: At the time of the pre-sale, we offer lifetime access to our mega bundle. Order it once and you’ll never have to pay again!
- WOOD SET IN 96 ANTIQUE DESIGNS: The exquisitely crafted wood set relishes you with its articulate designs.
- HOSTING: The secure and fast hosting will offer you the best experience like none other.
- 20 HOURS OF DEDICATED TIME FROM ONE OF OUR AWARD-WINNING DEVELOPERS: Our skilled developers will give a thorough look at your startup, share the detailed analysis, and suggest improvements.
- WORDPRESS: This package is for bigger WordPress websites with a large inventory. Deploy it anytime or from anywhere.
Categories: Wordpress blogger, Wordpress importer Brand: Website and brand building agency - Origin ten LTD
10 in stock
Credits :The Amazonian
spell watch
I’m crazy
and the Pea
Super easy, worked great Yikes! I spent an hour fiddling around with the export file from a Blogger blog, then tried this plugin and it did it all automatically – all it needed was the Google/Blogger login info and it transferred the posts and images perfectly! No problems! There it all is, tags and everything. I still have to strip out the client’s MS Word coding, but that’s not this plugin’s problem.
Blogger Importer is dead? Come on, do something!
Deprecated constructor warning Running the Blogger Importer in PHP 7 throws the following warning:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Blogger_Importer has a deprecated constructor in /xxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/blogger-importer/blogger-importer.php on line 44
Another user reported this months ago, but it’s not fixed yet.
Not Run!!!!! This plugin not run, I can´t import nothing on my website!!
Please update!
not working in 4.7 version The import didn’t work for me. I didn’t get an errors or messages. It just finishes quickly without importing anything.
Seriously need an update this official blogger importer plugin seriously needs an update (last update was 2 years ago)
The plugin does not work 99% of time, especially when you have a few MBs blogger XML export file. IF you are lucky and got content imported, then some images are not imported.
There was an old tool that divides blogger xml file into smaller pieces to feed the plugin but that tool does not work now too.
I am actively looking for an alternative. Any idea?
Not completely broken I managed to use this to migrate a tiny old blog from Blogger to WordPress in June 2020 successfully-ish.
All of the published and draft posts from Blogger are now in WordPress.
All images in the posts were uploaded to the WordPress Media Library; the img tags in the posts were not updated to point to the new Media Library uploads.
All comments remained intact — the author replacement only affected posts, not comment responses.
All Blogger labels were turned into WordPress categories.
Update? error Não funciona!
Not Updated and Doesn’t Work This is one of the top Plugins in WordPress repository, the developers should try to update and make it work back
newspaper/ gfu