I wouldn’t either. Fun awesome we’re always cooking up something new
for years we’ve been the leading resource of website from the icons with a community of over 20 million people over 70 million websites including
version four was 3 years ago webtax changed a lot since then and quite frankly fun awesome
Denver Pyle
that’s why we’re introducing a completely redesigned version of awesome that’s entirely new from code to design making everything from scratch
reminder nithing and rewriting the CSS redesigning every icon from top to bottom we’re talkin better design better consistency better readability
if I was good what’s it going to cost me and always will be free that’s why we call it fun awesome 5 free
it’s the same open source recipe you know in love
mckaylee you know what in exchange for the $40 or offering something even better bro, which include everything already mentioned plus thousand more icons access the brand new icon category pack ligatures and all-new no hassle super awesome SPG icon framework SVG icons have never been this easy
what Kaylee are super early backers is super low price
I love you
I know
the exciting time here fun awesome and we’re all thrilled to take the next up with you sometime but would kick-start Awards including teachers mugs icon and it’s higher icon categories you can sponsor even York & Company logo edit the font awesome there’s something for everyone to get excited about even Tom
how to stretch goals mean that everyone wins for more icons and fun awesome free two more icon packs and do it so now I kind of font awesome Pro you’re helping make the web a better place
who support a awesome awesome
your info button so when we scroll down here we see we’ve got a cat photo out to the right of that we have a the X4 Sentra stated it incorrectly earlier this is what they’re maybe this is what they were going for anyway
so the like button already has a thumbs up and we want to add it ain’t the circle button to the info so yeah see this is why I like having the the bun spread out so now you can see it easily right and so we can stay well let’s add the info button it’s easier to add code here if you if you space it out like
like this and now and see what we can do is press the enter and put in the circle and so now he’s got her info Circle here and then we know we want to have the trash
and once again this is hard to read when it’s like this but if we
simplify it like that then it’s like oh no problem just put it like that
yeah that’s probably going to pass the test
cool until the oh I did hear it now yeah inside the row you’ve got your columns and then you got your buttons and then within their you’ve got an icon and award and icon award icon award
and I don’t think it matters if you put it there I mean does it matter if you put the delete button here
run the tests yeah it can even be you can pass the test even if you’ve got to looking kind of crooked like that
so yeah that would be another way to do it while you’ve got the icons after the information and I still pass the test
Badder Font Awfull Nach dem Update fehlerhaft – seit über einer Woche nicht nachgebessert. Keine Reaktion. Miserabler Support!
Buggy after update – not fixed for more than one week now. No reaction. Very bad support!
Plugin not properly maintained The plugin is not being updated. With an install base of 100k+, one would assume that author would not completely abandon the plugin, but that looks like exactly what he’s done.
Great Plugin! Works as advertised
Does not work – here is what does Something simple like [icon name=”facebook-f”]
And nope – sh*t plugin.
Do NOT recommend it.
Here is what worked for me despite older and less updated plugin – works better than this plugin:
WP SVG Icons
Love it My site broke when I moved the server. Installed plugin. Problem fixed. Easy as pie.
Big Problem + Bad Support … Upgrade: Fine Sad about this 🙁
After the new release (2.x) all seems to work fine.
Is this plugin still alive? Hi there,
Wordfence alerts that this plugin is abandoned?
Please advise if we can still use it safely?
Good job Developer is busy but working on the plugin as much as he has time. Very appreciated.
Many bugs because use old jQuery library Hello,
BE CAREFULL: Many bugs with WordPress 5.6 !!
Good when it works but causes problems because its code is not up to date !!!
According to the jQuery Migrate plugin, Better Font Awesome, a plugin which allows to display icons causes problems because it uses the old jQuery library that the latest version of WordPress no longer uses. I have used many such icons and therefore many pages or articles are affected.
For example, the WP Flatsome theme that uses this plugin is affected…
It seems that these dysfunctions were not anticipated by theme editors like Flatsoome and plugin editor as Better Font Awesome plugin editor. By the way, it must not be the only theme having problems. Indeed, there is a big update of the jQuery script library which can affect the themes but also the plugins ! After implementing a temporary fix with Patch 5.5.1, WordPress resumes its updater for jQuery, the JavaScript library that makes it easy to write scripts in HTML code. The delivery of WordPress 5.6 is indeed the opportunity for the CMS to launch the 2nd stage of its 3-phase program, as announced last June 2020. The goal: to consolidate and keep up to date the most recent versions of jQuery in order to ensure the sustainability of the scripts. But can cause big operational problems with themes and plugins. This is also the case for publishing with Better Font Awesome pluginâ¦
This Plugin is a NON-WORKING Hot Mess I hate to say it, this used to be a great plugin for Font Awesome, but not anymore. AVOID IT! WordPress 5.6x killed it and the author shows no interest in fixing it. The plugin’s current version does not work. None of the betas work.